Head, Shoulders, Knees, Plateaus

If you’ve trained Jiu Jiitsu for a significant amount of time and can say with the utmost confidence that you have never felt undeserving of your rank, I’m calling shenanigans right now. Some days you go on the mats kicking butt as the hammer, and other days you get pounded as the nail (I’m also […]

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Burned by Toxicity

Everywhere you turn these days, we see inspirational quotes and articles about letting go of the toxic relationships in your life, but what about the toxic relationship we have with ourselves? Are we the sole cause of a ceaseless dumpster fire of bad juju? Earlier today, I wanted to gain some perspective and insight on […]

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Stress Less, Live Best

I spent years of my life being a perfectionist. Slaving over my work and striving for achievements until I excelled. I was a straight A student, involved in multiple clubs and extra curricular activities, volunteered in my spare time and played on a variety of Varsity sports teams. I was on the Dean’s list, the […]

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A Lady & Some Tatts; A Savage on the Mats

I’m what some may call “bad” at being a girl. I participate in a sport where I enjoy beating the living snot out of others, I’m not graceful or demure, my hands and feet are looking rough,  I’m loud, abrasive, covered in tattoos, and I would live in sweatpants and sports bras if I could. […]

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Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

When I write these blogs, I like to imagine myself akin to Carrie Bradshaw a la Sex and the City, but I probably more accurately resemble Oscar the Grouch, clacking annoyingly away at my keyboard from the trash can that is my life. I’m dumped on. A lot. At work, at home, on the mats, […]

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Winners Never Quit and Quitters Never Win

I will not quit, not ever. In life, on the mats, in a fight, I won’t ever stop. All the eyes watching me, whether rooting for me or secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) hoping I fail, they will never see me give up. Either I finish and wind up victorious, or I lose after […]

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The Hungry Wolf Howls Alone

Cutting weight blows. I miss carbs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic with the results, but I would definitely rather have my pizza and donuts than my celery and water. Only someone who truly has a dream and a passion for fighting would put themselves through this. I’ve already planned my meals for afterwards and […]

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