What’s Real Anymore?

What’s real anymore? In a world full of A.I., photoshops, and deep fakes, can we even be so sure of what we physically lay sight on, even when we “see things with our own two eyes”? Sometimes, I am doubtful of the things I see, and even more-so questioning the things I read. I’m going […]

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When They Go Low, Aim High

Today, my grumpy neighbor with what must be the world’s biggest stick up his keister, aggressively gestured towards me as I entered my neighborhood. Here I was all chipper, returning after being up at 5:30 am to cover a Jiu Jitsu class for a sick instructor. I stayed late at the gym last night reviewing […]

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Manifest Destiny

Lately, I have been feeling like I have been battling the constant turmoil of an existential crisis. I keep hearing all of these things about manifesting positive energy and goals into the universe, but I am having such trouble believing that there is a higher power or spiritual influences that can alter our paths and […]

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Choose Happy

Fight camp has officially begun, so how am I doing mentally? Surprising really fucking good to be honest. Trust me, I’m just as shocked as you are. Talk to any high-level, elite, professional mixed martial artist and they’ll tell you that the preparation of fight camp is one of the most physically grueling and mentally […]

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