Can you do it all? Or will you implode under the crushing weight of everything coming down on top of you? This may be something I am trying and testing out, as I am taking on a vast number of tasks recently, but for some reason as much stress as I am under, I freaking love it. I am one of those people who has to be busy all of the time, and if I don’t have anything to do I feel lazy, which I know is absolutely ridiculous with all of the things I have going on, but my mind likes to antagonize me relentlessly. I spent hours this morning trying to reformulate the perfect Gmail signature for new roles I am developing and I still can’t seem to get it right despite being able to learn almost anything off of Youtube these days. I can almost hear my blood pressure rising at how much more time consuming it is proving to be. But now I am slightly struggling with the problem of taking on too many tasks at once. This is where my husband and I often disagree, as he wholeheartedly doesn’t believe in multi-tasking, but I personally think I excel at it. I get too bored trying to focus too much on just one thing and feel like I can get so much more done when I branch out in multiple avenues. He tries to tell me it’s impossible and I will end up sacrificing the integrity of my tasks. What does he know?

What was crazy is I was always such a slob kebab in my teens; totally messy and throwing things everywhere and leaving things in disarray. I was an excellent student, always working hard to get ‘A’s, but would sometimes lose papers shoving them haphazardly into my bag and crumpling them into corners, causing me to be marked lower, even failing some assignments. One day, I simply changed. My handwriting, neat as a pin. Everything has a place, things are alphabetized or color-coded, everything is scheduled down to the minute, I abide by the rules and standards I set in place for my household, and am described with words such as compulsive, organized, and anally retentive. The words lazy, sloppy and disorganized wouldn’t even touch the lips of anyone who knew me. When I travel out of town, I immediately unpack my things and place them in the closet and drawers, I make my bed daily, even in hotels, and when my teammates and I share an Air B&B I fold everyone’s laundry. It soothes my anxiety for things to be done and tasks to be completed.

I just know in my heart of hearts when we finally have the chance at the end of September to go on our long belated honeymoon, I will definitely allow myself to be pampered and relax. But until then, there is just no time. I keep 3 calendars, (well, really 4, but my Macbook and iPhone are linked), and it truly is a disgusting mish-mash of things. My dry-erase calendar on the fridge and hand-held written calendar are both color-coded and look like a Skittles factory exploded all across the pages. We are basically traveling out of town every single weekend, from Atlanta a few weeks ago, Tennessee last weekend, Virginia this weekend, South Carolina after that, Las Vegas, and a million competitions in between. On top of getting the gym expansion ready with all of the exciting announcements that will go along with it. I am getting a little overwhelmed just thinking about it to be honest.

If you’ve been following me on social media lately, I am sure you have seen the influx of videos and Jiu Jitsu tutorials I have been trying to push towards a marketing and brand-expander program. Also been working on partnering up with some businesses and running some free self-defense courses to support our local community and get involved with some of the happenings within our town. While I have taken charge of many of these challenges, my still full-time employed husband has purchased his third investment property and is exploring and initiating several other business opportunities. So if you want to come at me for my anally retentive color-coordinated cleaning and cooking schedule, I promise it is necessary to prevent my entire life from disintegrating at the seams. Everything I do needs to be done on a timed schedule, or it will not get completed, which is one of the primary reasons I despise surprises and spur of the moment plans. I need to add things to my calendar and pencil things down to the minute or it will be total and utter chaos.

In fact, Tuesdays are not just simply blog day Tuesdays, but also deep clean Tuesdays. While I spot clean throughout the week, today is the day I thoroughly sweep, vacuum, and mop. Thursdays, I bleach down all the bathrooms. Sundays I wash the sheets. Alternating Sundays will be quilts and mattress protectors some weeks and pillows and throws other weeks. When this blog gets posted, I need to start on day 2 of my sourdough as it is a 3-day process and also make some pie crust so it gets a nice chill for the fats to solidify for a quiche I need to make later this week. Thank goodness I have a husband who supports my obsessive compulsive ways and visited a friend’s chickens to get me the fresh eggs I needed to prevent a downward spiral of emotions when I fall behind on my schedule. Finally, I have one last thing I am pushing out for the gym, which will get posted everywhere tomorrow, and i am super excited to announce. In the meantime, if I am not super available to everyone, I promise, I will find the time to add it to my calendar.

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