Always Rising

Let’s talk burn out: aka when long term exhaustion meets diminished interest. Like the cindered butts of a cigarette long since ashed, the warm embers rapidly losing heat are synonymous with the way I can end up feeling day in and day out. And that’s in relation to my workload with all of my tasks, […]

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The Pursuit of Happiness

Let’s talk happiness; the seedy underbelly of what makes all the grime we go through in life worthwhile. When are you at your happiest and what incites those warm fuzzy feelings deep within your soul? So many different answers to this I always hear: the first time I saw my child after being born, looking […]

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Thoughts of an Ambivert

An ambivert is a person who is defined as having both introverted and extroverted mindsets. We enjoy our time spent being around people, but we also need to take some solitary alone time in order to “recharge our batteries.” I love being surrounded by the people in my life, but occasionally, I need a break […]

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