Man, let’s hear it for 2019 as the year that badass little girls reign supreme. I’m about to delve into some Game of Thrones spoilers so if you haven’t seen the mot current episode, I suggest putting this blog piece on hold. Lady Lyanna Mormont has to be somewhere around 12 years old and 80 lbs soaking wet and literally has led the charge on leadership the whole time since her character has been introduced. Even going as far as sacrificing herself during the Battle of Winterfell for the Greater Good, killing a beast of an undead giant in the process. And then let’s hear it for motherfucking Arya Stark. Personally, I have always been partial to the Stark clan as their house sigil is a wolf (well, direwolf to be precise) and I was drawn from the get go to the tenacious and fearless Arya. I loved her since the beginning when she eschewed the stereotypical female role in lieu of a fighting warrior. And then to be the one to slay one of the greatest and most intimidating tv villains of all time is incredible. I read in an interview by Maisie Williams (the actress who portrays her) that she was worried people would be disappointed a 100 lb little girl would be the one to slay the formidable Night King in the fear that people would discuss how this made the villain seem less powerful and all I have to say is I cheered loud as hell during that scene. Us atomweights are coming for y’all.

I am easily the smallest person in my gym (excluding the children in our kids classes, although some are still larger than I). I have yet to let that stop me, although I have fallen victim to the tears that coincide with the feelings of being dominated by brute strength and size rendering me helpless at times on the mats. I continue to pump iron like there’s no tomorrow in the hopes to accrue some muscle mass on my tiny stature and though I may be exceedingly tiny, I’ve got the heart of someone 5 times my size. I’m just hoping and pushing to one day have the skillset that matches. And everyday that I get my ass kicked and suffocated under the sheer weight of my opponents and training partners, are days that make me 1% better (and sore and misshapen too ha). I embrace the suck and though my emotions can take a hit on those days, whenever I feel like giving up, I dig deep within my soul and just like Arya muttering the words “not today” I resolutely persevere.

Whatever motivates you to be a badass is really all it takes. So what if this week it just happens to be a fictional fantasy world full of dragons, the undead, and creatures, and warriors and the like. I’ve unashamedly been motivated by Harry Potter before because that’s the way my Muggle ass rolls. And yeah, real life doesn’t always have these perfect, tidy little conclusions to an epic saga, but it can be thrilling nonetheless. I would hope that I could find courage and bravery even in the most crippling of times (like facing down hundreds upon hundreds of undead savagery) but then again, my boyfriend called me beautiful over text today and I sobbed like a little girl. So yeah, basically the epitome of a tough beast. And though I may cry, complain, and struggle, I won’t ever quit on myself, my coaches, or my teammates. Sometimes we find that little spark to help us dig deep within ourselves and continue to push (like the Hound did during battle).

Motivation is such a fickle fiend. The days where I don’t want to be out there grinding are the days I know I’m getting better, even if I don’t feel like it. And I have had someone tell me recently that a plateau or stagnant period of time is a blessing, because it means we are about to make a great leap in skill. I’m starting to think that they are right. After all, how dissatisfying would a tv battle on HBO be if all the characters had an easy time with it and survived and won without suffering any fatalities or lasting grievances. We always cheer for the heroes who had to endure some hardships along the way. Everyone likes a comeback; it makes for greater tv and especially a more fruitful road to glory. From now on, whenever I suffer any setback, I will view it as preparation for what is to come. I will use grit and perseverance to keep on battling through and the triumphs will be that much sweeter for it. No pain, no story. No guts, no glory.

I am Samantha Seff, First of Her name, of House Schell Shock BJJ, Team Rubao Carioca, mother of Cowboy the dog, breaker of arms, choker of necks, and the Wolf Queen. My epic saga is only just beginning and I am prepared for whatever is to come. Although I live in the real world, I will continue to fantasize about greatness and keep climbing the ladder of trials and tribulations until I succeed. The world can always use more badass little girls to lead the pack and I won’t ever relent. If I fight, I will do my best to wholeheartedly prepare and to fight with honor. It ain’t over until it’s over and even with the odds stacked against you, there is always a chance to prevail, despite how small it may seem. Small doesn’t mean impossible, never forget that, and if you ever find yourself backed into a corner with the odds against you, always remember to stick them with the pointy end.

Wolf Queen time

Trying to be big hahah

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