And They Call it Puppy Love

Ever since the tragic loss of our family dogs back in March, there has been a gaping hole begging to be fulfilled in some shape or form. We were so heartbroken that we had been gradually taking our time, waiting for the perfect fit and when we knew it would be the right time. As […]

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Little Boy Blue, Come Blow Your Horn

Ah, the innocence of earning that first colored belt for adults involved in the sport of Jiu Jitsu, the long-awaited and eagerly anticipated blue belt. When you earn that blue belt, it is a mixture of pride at having solidified your rank at this incredibly difficult sport where you will see a large fraction of […]

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And In The End, The Love You Take Is Equal To The Love You Make

Life can go by incredibly fast, and with each day that passes, I am trying to learn to appreciate the little things a bit more. Quality time spent with family is something I am beginning to treasure and cherish, and rather than becoming frustrated with things like long road trips stuck in the car for […]

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And She Lived Happily Ever After

It’s me, your average, everyday, slightly neurotic, rigidly scheduling, face punching, neck strangling, trying the best that she can blogging weirdo. Last week, I postponed writing another blog for no other legitimate reason other than identifying that I was feeling a bit burnt out. I wasn’t necessarily dreading conjuring up a new post, but I […]

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