Ever since the tragic loss of our family dogs back in March, there has been a gaping hole begging to be fulfilled in some shape or form. We were so heartbroken that we had been gradually taking our time, waiting for the perfect fit and when we knew it would be the right time. As the months wore on, and our hearts kept aching, it became harder and harder to come home to an empty house. I desperately missed the pitter patter sounds of tiny paws scampering on the floor, or the comforting licks to welcome you home, or the warm snuggles to cheer you up on a rough day. Memories on my social media pages kept cropping up of times when our dogs were with us, which only made the quiet more difficult. Due to the trauma inflicted from what happened, we definitely didn’t want to rush into things, and felt like we would simply know when the time was right.

Our family dog, Cowboy, was almost 13. John had him since he was a wee pup, and he was raised with him for years. I was lucky enough to have almost 7 years with him. A few years ago, we were contacted about another dog, a gorgeous pitbull who had been severely abused and needed home. When Cowboy and Stella first met, there was an incidenct and a squabble as either dog tried to establish dominance. But after that got squared away, they cohabitated quite peacefully for 2 years, even snuggling up together a few times that I have pictures of. We left them with my in-laws when we travelled out of town in March, and that same night they got into a severe fight, possibly over a hidden treat. Poor, sweet Cowboy had lacerations to his body and his hip ligaments were severed from his body. There was nothing the vets could do, and I was absolutely crushed, crying so hard and so much that my eyes swelled shut. Stella had to be surrendered to the county due to the attack, and we lost both dogs that same weekend, an experience I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

Since then, it’s been hard. My husband and I have both had dogs our whole lives, and it absolutely sucked to not have a loyal companion trotting blissfully and dutifully by our sides. I absolutely loved my dogs, and spoiled them rotten, and all I wanted was another faithful baby to share our home with and dote on with lots of love. We needed time to grieve, and wanted to take things slow until the time was right. We knew when the right time would present itself and when our new baby would come into our lives, and boy, did that truly come to fruition. She popped up into our lives during an especially hard and difficult week full of lots of lows. It really feels like she was sent from above to help soothe our souls and brighten up what was turning out to be a pretty gloomy week and dismal time in our lives. I love her so much already, and I am so grateful for all the joy she has brought us so far.

While at the gym last week, I was on one side of the building talking with someone John walked around the corner cradling the most beautiful puppy I had ever seen. Never being a person to gush over babies, but to positively trip over myself when it came to dogs, I immediately lit up with joy and held my arms out to pet this gorgeous creature. I asked who’s dog it was, when I heard the most wonderful words anyone could hear come out of his mouth. “It’s ours if you want her.” And I immediately broke down sobbing. One of the families at our gym was fostering her after a rescue organization saved her from being dumped on 95. This was it; she was meant for us to love. It was agonizing to wait for her 7-day time-frame to be completed with her foster family before we were able to keep her. Of course, we couldn’t go too many days without seeing her so we visited her in the mean time. And I was very lucky to receive frequent photo updates of her adorable sleeping or playing with her pet lamby. I know I am biased, but I can’t help but to think she is the most beautiful baby girl in all the land.

I am beside myself with glee and joy at being able to shower this sweet girl with tons of affection. She is an angel, and deserves nothing but the best this life has to offer. I will always love, honor, and respect my fallen dogs, and I know they would be so happy for us to be able to help heal this ache deep in our hands. Things are finally starting to feel complete again, and I eagerly await all of the things we are able to teach this smart girl and all of the adventures we will go on. Rosie has already learned sit, come, stay, and lie down and we are currently working on shaking paws. She is a fast learner, and has adapted extremely well to her new environment. It is a privilege to be able to provide this angel a safe and loving home. Cheers to many, many years of man’s best friend living and loving with the Schell family.

She is so beautiful

One thought on “%1$s”

  1. It was a runaway train, every passenger’s nightmare. Brakes failed and a sharp turn just a mile ahead. And a woman screamed out–that set off the panic. People opening windows, shoving and crying, except one couple. Sitting across from each other, the gentleman in a black suit winked at the woman in red heels. He slowly smiled and stood, reaching his hand out to her, and whispered in her ear, “Vamos a BaLeR [bailar].” The passengers sat back down as the train hurled towards the steep turn. People were laughing now and clapping in time as the talented couple whirled up and down the aisle. The old train came off the wheels around that corner, but settled back on the tracks, to the cheers of all that continued on its way. Baby, my beautiful Mahogany, the train is already going too fast to stop. Let’s just dance.

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