Whomst Is She?

I am she who fights in front. Neither watching from the back nor dictating how to lead from afar, but thrusting myself to the front lines of the challenges I face and determined to do all that I can to prepare myself for the battles to come. After all, I could never request favors of […]

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In the End, the Love You Take, is Equal to the Love You Make

Sitting my run down, worn out, bedraggled booty on the couch, sipping my triple espresso ice coffee, and mustering up the energy to begin my trainings and fight prep for the day. You see, motivation is a bitch. It’s not always there when you need it, sometimes it refuses to rear its ugly head, no […]

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It is Called Garbage Can, Not Garbage Cannot

It’s hard not to feel like trash constantly in a sport that challenges every facet of your being. Let alone feeling like fucking garbage in your day to day life when inevitably, something doesn’t go according to plan or your mental health is taking a hit due to personal reasons. A lot of times, especially […]

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Choose Happy

Fight camp has officially begun, so how am I doing mentally? Surprising really fucking good to be honest. Trust me, I’m just as shocked as you are. Talk to any high-level, elite, professional mixed martial artist and they’ll tell you that the preparation of fight camp is one of the most physically grueling and mentally […]

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