I don’t understand the mindset some people have of wanting to keep others down or rooting for someone else to fail. Personally, I find there is enough sadness and misery in the world without having to go search for it and I would much rather contribute to the beneficial positivity that can always be expanded upon. Probably an odd sentiment coming from someone itching to step in an octagon and make someone bloody, but that’s my job. And though I am a little bit on edge due to the stall in fights and competitions thanks to the Rona, I still will always be the one cheering for those around me to succeed. Sometimes, it can be difficult knowing there are those who would like nothing more than to see me falter and fall flat on my face, but I’ll use those droplets of hate to fuel me further in my road to glory. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t sometimes become disenchanted with the naysayers or undermining words around me with either whispers of my ineptitude or screams from the depths of their lungs of my unworthiness, but still, I persevere. It would be pretty shitty of me to throw in the towel due to outside opinion on anything, and I refuse to let such poison seep into my mind and effect the outcome of anything I set forth to do. I’ve got some Big Dick Energy and I will never let no minuscule wiener aura effect my goals.

I know I talk about the pitfalls of social media quite a bit on here, and the ramifications it can have mentally on those struggling in their day to day lives, but lots of good can from it too. I absolutely love to see people on my newsfeed excel and thrive in a variety of tasks and multitude of ventures. I find when others are radiating excitement and happiness, it brightens up my day as well. Should you post about landing an interview for your dream job, a thrilling career opportunity, an engagement or pregnancy announcement, or even seeing something small that brought a smile to your face, I want to hear about it. I think it’s wonderful when others are so willing to share the good they are encompassed by versus using social media as a platform to articulate their hate and disdain. Lately, I have seen enough derogatory political and opinionated posts to last me a lifetime and I wouldn’t be at all upset to never see another one again. I’d love to be flooded by a bombardment of feel-good stories and positive situations my peers are dealing with, but I won’t let the influx of vitriol get me down either. I prefer to contribute to the happier side of things, whether it comes from my own personal post or adding an uplifting comment to someone else’s. I make sure to try every day to leave at least one compliment or kind word on someone’s post every single day, and I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my mood and quality of life. Time to spread a ray of sunshine and rainbows even if it has to come from my own ass. Taste the rainbow y’all.

The more I write this blog, the more I wonder who in their right mind thought it was a good platform for me to vent my innermost thoughts and feelings in such an articulate fashion, but I keep on trucking along like the little engine that could. I know that what I have to say may not resonate with a majority of people out there who just think I am batshit insane, but if it rings true for at least one other person, then it is all worth it in the end. I’m hoping that when I publish this post, instead of the influx of women sliding into my DM’s in a flirtatious manner with sultry photos, I get inundated with a plethora of positive stories and good news from everyone as well. I would love to hear about the things in life bringing you joy or the stories you read that impacted your life or even something small that simply made your day. I’m aware that we live in the real world and life isn’t always a treasure trove of happiness, but it feels like 2020 is determined to spray fecal matter on everything it touches and I am so tired of being elbow deep in excrement like Ellie in Jurassic Park dealing with that pile of triceratops poo. Being chased by a T-Rex is a pretty good metaphor for all that we are dealing with these days and I know we will make it out stronger than ever because after all, life finds a way.

Be the biggest cheerleader you can in life and so many good things will follow. Be negative for Covid but positive for life and learn to embrace all the wonderful and succulent happiness it has to offer. If we are always determined to see the worst in things no matter what, then we will forever be holding ourselves back from being as happy as possible. And should we be the person who loves to watch others fail to make up for our own inadequacy, then karma will rear its ugly head tenfold and come for us in a way we could never even have imagined possible. I love cheering for the things I see that are positive, no matter how major or minor the accomplishment is. I was ecstatic just today to see someone on my timeline post about today marking 6 years of sobriety for them. It was honestly one of the best things I could have seen at the start of my day. If today is the first day you felt good enough to shower all week, know I am rooting for every forward step you take today. Sometimes, it’s hard to look at the silver lining in situations when you are bombarded by dark clouds at every turn, but those of us that can remember that life is always darkest before the dawn, and hold out long enough to see the beauty on the other side, will wholeheartedly contribute to the world being a better place. Surround yourself with these kind of people, and be aware of those who root for you with one hand and hold your shoulder down with the other. They may cheer for you publicly, and contribute to your failures under their breath privately. I’ll cheer for you, I’ll root for you, and I’ll celebrate any of your achievements along the way. Enjoy the rest of your week, and I hope you spread smiles as easily as warm butter on some freshly toasted bread, and are fortunate enough to receive plenty in return.

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