Neither you nor I are under the obligation to be anyone’s friend, either on social media like Facebook or otherwise. I am so over allowing anyone to dampen my mood or darken my mental state that I honestly would just rather cut them out of my life completely. Anyone worth keeping would never put themselves in a situation where you would even question that and if they do, you probably delegated them a much higher level of importance in your life than they deserved. In case you need to hear this boo, you do not need this person or these people, whether they are a close friend or even a family member. Some relationships are not worth saving, especially if the price to pay in exchange is your happiness, sanity, or mental clarity. The ‘block’ and ‘unfriend’ button have been quite the handy little asset in my life lately. It’s almost as if we allow ourselves to feel sad or insecure because of the impact an insignificant little person had on us, and for what? So someone who I wouldn’t even take advice from is someone who I would allow to criticize me and make me feel subpar!? Bye Felicia.

My word of the month has been sacrifice. Only those who dedicate their lives to the sole dream of fighting professionally on the big stage can relate to my exact sentiments, but plenty of others are constantly sacrificing for their goals as well. Maybe they’re not breaking their bodies, cutting excessive amounts of weight, missing time with their loved ones in order to train, and waging mental war on their soul, but there are always sacrifices being made in the pursuit of our destinies. You have to really love this sport to endure the trials and tribulations we suffer through but in the end, it’s always worth it, win or lose. There are times I doubt myself and second guess my decisions, but if I don’t believe in myself what gives anyone else the right to believe in me and I will never falter under the weight of negativity ever again. So now, if there is a negative influence in my life, I immediately revoke that relationship. If you don’t spark joy, there is zero reason to allow you to sap my aura with your rude criticisms or asshole jokes. I’m done being accepting of character flaws fatal to my mental health.

It really saddens me to see so many people enmeshed in unhappy relationships, or tied down to toxic family members, or even allowing people to get under their skin on social media. I’ll admit that I used to let nasty comments or even things said in jest bother me, until one day I asked myself why. If I wouldn’t take fight advice from this person, why would I bequeath them the opportunity to let their criticisms effect me? What significance does this person play on my life and why am I giving them any power whatsoever to hurt me. It’s like I am personally handing them the sharpened knife blade to pierce my skin and not even remotely attempting to safeguard myself. They are a pulsating zit on my life and best option here is to remove them entirely. The world is an ugly enough place as it is without allowing the grotesqueness to seep into the cracks and settle into my heart so I’ll ben the effervescent rainbow cascading magical light onto the Earth instead. Wow, that whole last sentence made me sound exceptionally intimidating and I’d totally be too afraid to fight me right now, just saying.

If someone comes to you to tell you that you hurt them, you do not have the right to tell them you didn’t. People are allowed to react and feel various different emotions in regards to a specific situation and it is not up to you to determine whether their feelings are valid or not. I’m sure we have all uttered regrettable words or performed underhanded actions that have caused pain to others, but it’s about knowing whether the situation can be amended and whether or not the relationship is worth saving. And I’ll tell you right now that comfortability and routine are never a reason to stay stuck, because a slow death is much more excruciating in the long run rather than momentary and painful turmoil. Often times, a plant must be removed from its safe little sanctuary of a pot to be rooted in an expanse of soil. And while we may be fearful that the plant may fail to survive in its new environment, we can be certain it would surely die in its confined “home.” Branch out and take risks, or else suffer the futility of hesitation. Sometimes it is okay to be a little bit selfish and look out for the person that should always have your back no matter the circumstances; you.

While I am under no obligation to be anybody’s friend, I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by people want to embrace in various aspects and relationships in my life. Some, only through online personas and others on a more personal level. I have learned to cut out the tumors impeding on my soul and not let poisonous words or actions entrench my well being. I implore you to do the same and realize how much happier you will be because of it. You are not alive to simply exist, but you must live and suck the marrow out of life. If that means disregarding the folks who would acts as a real life dementor (Harry Potter reference to beings who cast misty gray clouds and misery upon humans and force them into gloom and despair by reliving their worst memories) then so be it. I damn sure don’t need anything or anyone in my life to make it more difficult, thank you very much. Be the type of person others want to invite you into their places of friendship and solitude, not the toxic venomous culprit people aim to stave off. The world is an ugly enough place without us adding to it, so brighten the horizons with a bit of friendship.

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