Obladi, Oblada, Life Goes On Brah

Sometimes those who’ve had a less fortunate experience in social settings such as in school or clubs/teams amongst their peers, harbor so much ill will and resentment toward others who have been more successful in those situations. Maybe because they themselves struggled at one point making friends or ever felt ostracized in anyway way, feel […]

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If it Were Easy, it Would be Called Your Mom

Everything in life is hard, literally everything. I know they say if it wasn’t hard, it wouldn’t be worth doing, but that doesn’t make the crap you have to go through any less difficult. Even the things you think come easy to some people really doesn’t. Sure, it may look like gifted athlete Cameron is […]

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Butterfly Effect

Life. No matter what happens or any of the circumstances, it keeps on going on. Though your world may stop, everyone else’s keeps on turning on its axis, and that’s just the way it is. All of a sudden, you’re looking back, and just wondering where all of the time has gone. Like the butterfly […]

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Belief in Grief

Life is so damn fragile, it boggles my mind. I am so guilty of letting trivial bullshit get to me and wear me down only to be slapped in the face by a daily dose of reality every time I check the news. A beloved public figure shocking dying after privately fighting a mysterious illness, […]

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Memento Mori

Blind loyalty has to be without a doubt one of the most self-sabotaging and detrimental behaviors currently running rampant through our people like a pandemic far deadlier and inevitably more contagious than Covid-19. And no, I’m not just talking about aligning with the appropriate colors of your political party and affiliation, but in all aspects […]

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Don’t Let Me Get Me

This will be the year that I stop self sabotaging, I just need to keep repeating that mantra over and over. I am so guilty of this, in life, on the mats, even with my own family, and I hate myself and feel so much shame over it. This past weekend is such a good […]

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