Sometimes those who’ve had a less fortunate experience in social settings such as in school or clubs/teams amongst their peers, harbor so much ill will and resentment toward others who have been more successful in those situations. Maybe because they themselves struggled at one point making friends or ever felt ostracized in anyway way, feel as if they have some sort of right to denigrate others. Particularly behind the anonymity of an online, internet presence. No one who is happy with themselves or the way their life has turned out would ever waste a second of their time using it to bully, belittle, and bring down someone else. And they usually relish in finding like-minded, echo-chambered individuals so they can feel some sense of belonging in which they were sorely lacking prior. What blows my mind is when it comes from people who will screech tolerance and equality until they’re blue in the face unless your opinions differ. Then all of their credence goes out the window as the name-calling and mockery ensues. I’ve always believed this a thousand percent says more about the person than myself, so I don’t feel it necessary to state my side. I’m all for healthy debate, but once insults get hurled about and name-calling, it’s fairly clear to see there is no more logical reasoning to be found and I gracefully decline to proceed in their childish games and hateful rhetoric.

Let me be clear in saying that I have always admired the human being that is John Schell, and I will a thousand percent stand right alongside my husband through all eternity. I have never met a more caring or selfless individual, so much so that I have had to speak with him about giving too many people who don’t deserve it second, third, and fourth chances. He constantly wants to help others so much that I see him repeatedly getting advantage taken, and because I love him more than anyone and anything in the whole entire world, it kills me. John has always been my number one support, cheering me on when I felt down or unable to accomplish something, and being right there by my side every step of the way. He has helped others. Financially, or with sacrificing his time, traveling across countries and continents simply to coach, showing loyalty to all even when it’s not returned, and never expects any sort of reciprocation. I strive to be as selfless, forgiving, and loving as John. But unfortunately, people can take one look at the gnarled and burly bearded black belt, and begin formulating their own misconstrued opinions. Try having a conversation.

John has been training Jiu Jitsu for over 16 years and accrued many accolades, including a world championship at brown belt and wins over some of the best people in the world. He built his school from the ground up, has brought several other people to world championships and MMA title belts, and still manages all of this while working a full time job. Needless to say I am exceptionally proud of him. So I am not sure why someone who clearly has some sort of weird obsession with him, wants to make online posts throwing every insult in the book his way. I posted a picture of MY car with MY Schell Shock stickers and made a joke about it being theft protection, and then someone ‘anonymously’ shared this. on Reddit and made it seem like John was talking about himself. Nope, it was just his black belt, pro MMA fighter wife who will scream her pride in her man until her dying days. They argued with every single person defending us and painted false pictures to gather people on their side. Not much of it bothered me as it was clearly some sad and pathetic individual with nothing better going on in their life, but one thing I did find upsetting. They sifted through his facebook to post his old memes, one being that of Trump in which John captioned it “whether you like him as a person or not, he has made decisions to help this country.” This apparently upset this person so much that they drew a conclusion that he must be hateful and called him a Nazi. My kind, and generous husband, married to a proud Jewish woman, being called a Nazi for a post with a fairly mild caption. Despicable.

I checked this person’s post history on Reddit, and it’s pretty deranged. Screaming insults at people nonstop, in all of the different threads and topics they participate in, and yet claiming they are from a political group that preaches love and equality. Their comments were not only hateful, but downright repulsive and dripping with jealousy. I consider myself fairly in the middle politically, with perhaps some more republican viewpoints but barely off my center axis, and I was appalled at this person. I think when others sway too far toward the left or the right, we begin venturing into dangerous territory. The world isn’t black or white, and we should be able to have meaningful discussions. Talk to me; I promise I am fairly reasonable. You’d even find out that my husband celebrates all the Jewish holidays with me, we just shared a fantastic and wonderful Hanukkah, and calling him such a disgusting and despicable word is incredibly hurtful to my whole ancestry. I am very pride of my ethnicity and culture, and have dealt with enough ant-semitic rhetoric as of late without false accusations aimed at my family. Do better.

In all of my years on this earth, I have learned many things about life, most importantly that it goes on. If something is not going to matter in 5 years, I refuse to spend more than 5 minutes thinking about it. I had a wonderful New Year’s celebration in Savannah with my brother and his family, including my adorable niece and nephew. And my husband, my ride or die forever and ever also celebrated our 7 year anniversary together. Life is good. The people who matter to me are the ones who’s opinions I take into consideration and everything else is just words to me. If I can start 2024 with any mindset, it would be communication. Speak with people instead of yelling. Learn to rationally discuss with others and see where they’re coming from instead of making up your own narrative. I hope all of you are lucky enough to take pride in the work that you do, your partners, your families, and the way you live your life in order to leave a positive mark on others. For me, I will continue to feel blessed that I married my best friend who I am insanely proud of, and love knowing that he is always my best anti-theft device, right by my side.

By his side forever

One thought on “%1$s”

  1. It was a runaway train, every passenger’s nightmare. Brakes failed and a sharp turn just a mile ahead. And a woman screamed out–that set off the panic. People opening windows, shoving and crying, except one couple. Sitting across from each other, the gentleman in a black suit winked at the woman in red heels. He slowly smiled and stood, reaching his hand out to her, and whispered in her ear, “Vamos a BaLeR [bailar].” The passengers sat back down as the train hurled towards the steep turn. People were laughing now and clapping in time as the talented couple whirled up and down the aisle. The old train came off the wheels around that corner, but settled back on the tracks, to the cheers of all that continued on its way. Baby, my beautiful Mahogany, the train is already going too fast to stop. Let’s just dance.

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