The Things I Wish I Knew

There’s not an exorbitant amount of knowledge I have accrued over the past 28 years on this earth, but I have been fortunate enough to walk away with some solid life experiences and sound advice that has benefitted me in more ways than one. I am trying to be better about thinking positively and not […]

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Thank You, Next

Positivity breeds positivity, and negative thinking tends to attract negative energy. It all sounds so simple, but I’m sure we know how difficult it can truly be to dig ourselves out of a rut of emotional gloom when we feel like a dark gray cloud is just constantly looming over us threatening a torrential downpour […]

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Putting the ‘Possible’ in ‘Impossible’

As I approach my fight this coming week, I am doing some reflecting. Primarily, reflecting on all the good in my life because no matter the outcome for the title this weekend, I have so much going on that I can appreciate and be grateful for. There are people out there that love to throw […]

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Jingle Hells

The stockings are hung, the presents are wrapped, the tree is decorated, and the Jameson has been opened. From the outside looking in, my house now resembles the ideal pinterest image, but if people only knew the truth lurking just below the surface, instead of sugar plum fairies dancing in my head, I am personally […]

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Don’t Stop Me Now

One life on this Earth. Just the one. Imagine just sitting idly by, watching the minutes pass to hours, then days, then weeks, and then years, never knowing what you are fully capable of.  Sure, it might be a risk to put ourselves out there, but isn’t our happiness a risk worth taking? Hard work […]

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The Children of Today; the Leaders of Tomorrow

You never know who is watching you; how your thoughts and actions are impacting others until you see it come to fruition. The more I put myself out there, the more vulnerable I become but the more raw and relatable I seem. With as often as I compete and my presence on social media, I […]

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Recovery; Good for the Body, Good for the Soul

Buckle your seat belts boys and girls, it’s time for another blog day Tuesday! I know I’ve talked before about the importance of self care (not only in Jiu Jitsu, but in life as well), and of the bonds we form in this sport that are incomparable to anything I can really explain, but I’d […]

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It’s Okay to Not be Okay

Lately, I’ve been seeing more and more posts on social media in regards to mental health and my friend’s persistent struggles with bouts of sadness and depression. These feelings impact more people than we could possibly imagine, but since mental health is seen as a “weakness” or taboo subject, many end up suffering in silence, […]

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