There’s not an exorbitant amount of knowledge I have accrued over the past 28 years on this earth, but I have been fortunate enough to walk away with some solid life experiences and sound advice that has benefitted me in more ways than one. I am trying to be better about thinking positively and not letting certain stressors associated with day to day living impact my overall well-being. Everything is always much simpler and easier in hindsight and I am hoping to never be so bold and come to believe I have acquired my limit of knowledge. I yearn for more education, life lessons, a and advice along the way, both in every day life and in my training. For this blog, I have decided to create a list of some of the most sound advice and words of wisdom I have received to date. They are as follows:

  1. Speak less and act more
  2. Don’t allow anyone to live rent-free inside of your head
  3. Eat more protein, sleep better, laugh often, and drink plenty of water
  4. Don’t sweat the small stuff
  5. Kids can be selfish assholes, but also loving beings. Don’t get your feelings hurt
  6. Lift weights (properly)
  7. Never take criticism from people you wouldn’t let yourself take advice from
  8. Quit smoking
  9. Stop asking ‘what if’ and start visualizing how
  10. Ladies, if you wouldn’t say it to your daughter, don’t say it about yourself
  11. Spend time with yourself and learn to fall in love with you
  12. Dance like no one is watching
  13. Don’t be ashamed of tears or emotion
  14. Whenever you think you have nothing left to give, push harder
  15. Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a long time making it
  16. Go for a run. Endorphins are greta mood elevators
  17. Nobody gets better on the days they feel like going
  18. Speak up for what is right, no matter how difficult
  19. Sacrifice for the right things, but never at the cost of your ultimate happiness
  20. No need to be inadvertently cruel, but know that it’s perfectly okay to speak your mind
  21. Stop being offended by everything, ain’t nobody got time for that
  22. Pick your battles wisely
  23. Ride hard for the ones you love
  24. Embrace change
  25. View difficult situations as a challenge versus a hindrance
  26. Check on your friends often; don’t wait for a cry for help to reach out
  27. Sing your lungs out to your favorite songs
  28. Your child won’t always remember the things your money provided, but they will remember your presence at their events and the cheers and support you provide
  29. Stand tall
  30. Hands up, chin down, eyes on the prize
  31. Being alone is okay
  32. You don’t have to justify yourself to anyone
  33. A little bit of kindness, compassion, and empathy goes a long way
  34. Positivity is contagious, and will create a ripple-like domino effect
  35. So is negativity, so choose your path with care
  36. There are 2 ways to get into pool, but no great story ever started with “I used the ladder”
  37. No one remembers the name of the guy who quit
  38. Win or lose, putting yourself out there is a victory in and of itself
  39. Make peace with your past
  40. Understand others may have more knowledge than you in certain areas, broaden your horizons
  41. Try new foods, absorb the riches of taste
  42. Be disciplined
  43. Make a promise, and stay true to your word
  44. Never a borrower nor a lender be
  45. More people look up to you than you realize. Lead by example
  46. Be open to love
  47. Don’t write people off immediately just for having different beliefs, get to know them
  48. The world isn’t black & white. There is a lot of gray
  49. You have one life to live, don’t waste it
  50. Life has no guarantees, except for death
  51. Heartbreak isn’t the end of the world, but it’s okay to feel the hurt
  52. Don’t make rash decisions based on your emotional state; i.e.: don’t fight emotional, or post an immediate status on social media, or else lash out in any quick explosion
  53. Not every facet of your life needs to be broadcast to the world
  54. People only post themselves in the best light as well as their highlight reels
  55. Everyone cries
  56. All of us are capable of more than we realize
  57. Everyone you know is in pain. Buck up and get moving
  58. Dogs are the best
  59. Stop comparing yourself to others; your journey is entirely your own
  60. Everyone is facing their own personal demons, don’t judge too harshly
  61. Being different is beautiful, clamoring desperately to be unique is not
  62. Sometimes we are not being buried in the dirt, but replanted in order to grow
  63. Eat fresh produce and less artificial crap
  64. Spend more time with friends and family
  65. Quality time over texting time
  66. Just because a dream is difficult, does not mean it is impossible. If you want it bad enough, you will find a way
  67. Don’t let fear control your life
  68. Never let someone else dictate where a fight goes. Initiate and be in control
  69. Play your game, not theirs
  70. You won’t ever regret the days you trained, but you will over the days you missed due to laziness
  71. Just because you’re starting something later on in life, does not mean it’s pointless. The time will pass anyways, make the most of it
  72. Never let anyone be comfortable disrespecting you
  73. If they do not treat you right in any way, shape, or form, leave
  74. Have convictions and stand by them
  75. Learn to debate respectfully and without personal insults
  76. You can acquire a wealth of knowledge through reading more
  77. Tell your husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, friends, grandparents, aunts, uncles, children, and pets you love them at every chance you get
  78. Tomorrow is a new day, but it is not guaranteed
  79. Don’t go to bed angry
  80. Surround yourself with those that inspire you
  81. If you are consistently the best at something or smartest in that room, find a new room
  82. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you
  83. Growth doesn’t happen in someone else’s comfort zone
  84. There are many paths to a happy and successful life, don’t limit yourself to one journey ate is ugly, and can’t is an abominable word
  85. Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue which counts.
  86. Celebrate the small victories
  87. Some days, getting up to take a shower is your only accomplishment, and that is perfectly okay
  88. Not everyone is a genius. Not everyone is an athlete. But we all have things about us that can be celebrated
  89. Don’t ever let your mind tell you that you can’t
  90. If it won’t matter in 10 years from now, don’t fret over it
  91. Find healthy outlets for cathartic release
  92. Be safe, be smart, be adventurous, and be kind
  93. Always wear your seatbelt
  94. If you can change something, do it
  95. Be the hero to someone you wish you had growing up
  96. Don’t let others opinions of you effect you permanently
  97. Go train
  98. Listen too your coaches and your mentors
  99. If you’re not happy, do something about it. Complaining and whining gets you nowhere
  100. Always be willing to give yourself a fighting chance
Man, I really hope this awesome woman is better at heeding advice than I am

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