There’s not an exorbitant amount of knowledge I have accrued over the past 28 years on this earth, but I have been fortunate enough to walk away with some solid life experiences and sound advice that has benefitted me in more ways than one. I am trying to be better about thinking positively and not […]
Read moreWoes of Social Media
I have not been very kind to myself these days. I am pulling my mind and my body in a million different directions and then becoming angry with myself when I stumble a little along the way. But how can I be perfect and why do I even expect that out of myself? I don’t […]
Read moreUnfriending Negativity
Neither you nor I are under the obligation to be anyone’s friend, either on social media like Facebook or otherwise. I am so over allowing anyone to dampen my mood or darken my mental state that I honestly would just rather cut them out of my life completely. Anyone worth keeping would never put themselves […]
Read moreThoughts of an Ambivert
An ambivert is a person who is defined as having both introverted and extroverted mindsets. We enjoy our time spent being around people, but we also need to take some solitary alone time in order to “recharge our batteries.” I love being surrounded by the people in my life, but occasionally, I need a break […]
Read moreAdulting is Hard, mkay?
Ever hear the phrase that if you’re always the smartest person in the room, then you should get up and go find a new room? I am really trying to abide by this mindset lately. Not that I’m ever the most intelligent in any given room, I’m a moron, but I am always willing to […]
Read morePatience is a Virtue
Balance. Everything in life ebbs and flows as we try to reach an equilibrium in our lives. I balance the role of dutiful girlfriend, doting pseudo parent, BJJ instructor, business owner, and mma fighter. I’m always constantly worrying that I am putting too much effort into a handful of those things and stress myself out […]
Read morePutting the ‘Possible’ in ‘Impossible’
As I approach my fight this coming week, I am doing some reflecting. Primarily, reflecting on all the good in my life because no matter the outcome for the title this weekend, I have so much going on that I can appreciate and be grateful for. There are people out there that love to throw […]
Read moreDon’t Let Me Get Me
This will be the year that I stop self sabotaging, I just need to keep repeating that mantra over and over. I am so guilty of this, in life, on the mats, even with my own family, and I hate myself and feel so much shame over it. This past weekend is such a good […]
Read moreEverything Hurts; Enjoy the Ride
Sometimes, it can be pretty cathartic to vent out our grievances, but it also bares in mind the question of when it’s acceptable to complain about a handful of things and when it just becomes annoying. No one likes a complainer Karen, so chill out with your degenerative disks and arthritic fingers. Guess what, if […]
Read moreJingle Hells
The stockings are hung, the presents are wrapped, the tree is decorated, and the Jameson has been opened. From the outside looking in, my house now resembles the ideal pinterest image, but if people only knew the truth lurking just below the surface, instead of sugar plum fairies dancing in my head, I am personally […]
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