Sometimes, You’re the Pigeon-Sometimes, the Statue

I really need sleep. It’s amazing how when our natural circadian rhythm or our REM cycle is off, how much less progressively we function in life. Lo and behold, I can hear someone overtly breathing in my presence with little sleep and I am likely to implode under the bottled anger pent up in my […]

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Do No Harm, Take No Shit

What an incredibly wide array of emotions I endured over the past week. Social media can be an immeasurably powerful tool, but it can also be quite dangerous as well. Reminds of the eloquent speech by Ben Parker in Spider Man when he says “With great power, comes great responsibility.” And while he is definitely […]

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My Neck, My Back, This Quarantine is Whack

The times are unprecedented and the phrase ‘the new normal’ is being tossed around quite a bit as of late. One way courses being implemented in grocery stores, mandatory requirements on facial coverings and masks when out in public, all businesses deemed nonessential shut down for the foreseeable future. The economy is crippling, people are […]

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I Wonder When I Love Me is Enough?

Be patient with yourself; be kind, and nurturing, and understanding. We are all processing this current pandemic in a multitude of ways, and everyone right now is suffering from a variety of losses, from personal, professional, educational and recreational. There is no right or wrong way to grieve the missed dances, graduations, weddings, and competitions, […]

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One is the Loneliest Number

Oxygen, water, food, shelter and companionship? Do humans really need human interaction to survive just as resolutely as we need food and water? According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we do. There is a reason solitary confinement in the prisons is used as a form of punishment. There’s a reason Tom Hank’s character in Castaway […]

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Distancing the Bullshit

Everyday a lesson learned and once again a new chance to make things right or repeat your history of making the same fucking mistakes over and over like a a repetitive conundrum of disaster. We are all currently living in Lemony Snicket’s series of unfortunate events and the entire world is in disarray. I’m sure […]

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Arrested Development

Ah-hem- *Puts on my Akon voice* “Cuz I’m locked up. They won’t let me out. No they won’t let me out. I’m locked up.” This whole damn virus pandemic has all of us feeling like we are locked up in a penitentiary cell without a scheduled date of release and it is exceptionally aggravating. I […]

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M-M-M-My Corona

If you are a resident of planet Earth, your life is currently being overrun by an inundation of information in regards to the current Coronavirus pandemic. Whether it is the influx of infographics, advice, and statistics posted by the government and official health corporations, the social media “expert” who feels compelled to give their opinion […]

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Putting the Dick in Addiction

Demons exist within all of us, that little voice in the back of our heads spewing hateful and negative messages about how lackluster and subpar we are. That we aren’t good enough, life is too hard, we have too many obstacles inhibiting our growth and so on and so forth. Many people drowning under heaps […]

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