Let it Out

You know, sometimes I wonder if it really looks like I have it together so effortlessly, that no one bothers to check in every now and then to see if I need a mental reprieve from the constant bombardment of task after task and obligation after obligation. Most times, it suits me well, as my […]

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And in the End, the Love You Take is Equal to the Love You Make

Love is the most powerful force in the world, capable of burning down whole cities, destroying empires, igniting wars, facilitating a new era, fostering the growth of a nation, and conquering any demons threatening to dismantle our entities. Nothing like love can be as capable as causing so much pain and hurt, but also instilling […]

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One is the Loneliest Number

Oxygen, water, food, shelter and companionship? Do humans really need human interaction to survive just as resolutely as we need food and water? According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we do. There is a reason solitary confinement in the prisons is used as a form of punishment. There’s a reason Tom Hank’s character in Castaway […]

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We Accept the Love We Think We Deserve

How many of us have people in our lives who treat us less than stellar within our relationships? Platonic, romantic, and familial included. Why? Why do we allow ourselves to be tied to people who are dismissive of our wants and needs in a specific relationship or bond? Whether it is out of comfort or […]

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We Are Women, Now Hear Us Roar

Did you ever notice how the world seems to pit powerful women against each other? Whether it’s an assumed power due to career rank, achievement in sports, or perceived conceptual beauty, it always has to be a constant competition among us females in a dog eat dog world where women can never share the crown, […]

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