I don’t understand the mindset some people have of wanting to keep others down or rooting for someone else to fail. Personally, I find there is enough sadness and misery in the world without having to go search for it and I would much rather contribute to the beneficial positivity that can always be expanded […]
Read moreAgree to Disagree
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but we can disagree about something and have opposing viewpoints and still remain friends, acquaintances, or at least cordial to one another. We live in a day and age where civility seems to go out the window when two people fall on opposite sides of the fences […]
Read moreLong Live Love
2020 has been a hell of a year so far, and one that has left me with an abundance of questions with very little answers, and if I may add, a sour taste in my mouth. If it is so easy to hate someone we do not even know based on appearance, why isn’t it […]
Read moreF.ace E.verything A.nd R.ise
Today, I sit in front of my MacBook, and I don’t have the slightest inkling on where to begin. There is so much to bring up and discuss and all of it entails tact and respect to the lives, emotions, livelihood, and people involved. I am not a person of color, I am in zero […]
Read moreKhaleesi
Don’t make the mistake of getting burned by the people you allow into your life only to be used, abused, and taken advantage of over and over again. A lot of times, they don’t even make an SPF strong enough for the ensuing raging inferno and damaging rays the people in your life can exude. […]
Read moreGreen-Eyed Monster
They say that comparison is the thief of all joy, and lately I have been seeing firsthand the reality of that sentiment. No matter how good things can be going for me, I’ll catch a blip of someone else’s social media, and I find myself mourning the lack of something I didn’t even know I […]
Read moreOne is the Loneliest Number
Oxygen, water, food, shelter and companionship? Do humans really need human interaction to survive just as resolutely as we need food and water? According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we do. There is a reason solitary confinement in the prisons is used as a form of punishment. There’s a reason Tom Hank’s character in Castaway […]
Read moreM-M-M-My Corona
If you are a resident of planet Earth, your life is currently being overrun by an inundation of information in regards to the current Coronavirus pandemic. Whether it is the influx of infographics, advice, and statistics posted by the government and official health corporations, the social media “expert” who feels compelled to give their opinion […]
Read moreWe Accept the Love We Think We Deserve
How many of us have people in our lives who treat us less than stellar within our relationships? Platonic, romantic, and familial included. Why? Why do we allow ourselves to be tied to people who are dismissive of our wants and needs in a specific relationship or bond? Whether it is out of comfort or […]
Read morePutting the Dick in Addiction
Demons exist within all of us, that little voice in the back of our heads spewing hateful and negative messages about how lackluster and subpar we are. That we aren’t good enough, life is too hard, we have too many obstacles inhibiting our growth and so on and so forth. Many people drowning under heaps […]
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