Corruption Meets Slander

Corruption can taint the entirety of MMA. The bigger promotions in existence are run to the highest degrees of professionalism, but there are a multitude of promotions across the nation where money sways the hands of the commission, promoters, and athletes alike. Take it from me, a recent victim of the shady corruption running rampant […]

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Tick, Tick, Tick

It’s crazy to me how these seconds turn into minutes, turn into hours, turn into days, turn into weeks, turn into months, then turn into years trickling on by. Before you know it, you blink and a decade has passed, then another. I have such a distinct memory of being in 4th grade, and it […]

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I write about Jiu Jitsu and MMA a lot, often interspersed with my own feelings, thoughts, and experiences throughout this journey. But I have been unfair to my readers who think they are privy to the innermost workings of my mind and the things that make me tick. See, I don’t often divulge the hard […]

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I’m a Real Boy

Move over Pinocchio, there is only one character in the story of my life working hard to become a real boy, and it ain’t some wooden ragamuffin of a puppet, so tell Gepetto to take several seats. The more you publicly put yourself out there in the world, the more you open yourself out there […]

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