We Are Women, Now Hear Us Roar

Yesterday was International Women’s Day, and I love being able to celebrate the fierce, capable, and strong woman I have become. This was never something I accomplished of my own accord, but through the countless people supporting me and being there for me to provide comfort, wisdom, and the tenacity to keep powering on. It’s […]

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But What If You Don’t

It’s easier to not try; to allow yourself to fail even at something you so desperately want rather than deal with the disappointment of trying really hard and coming up short regardless. We can be so consumed with the fear of failure that we give up before something even begins. We can have it set […]

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Make Progress or Make Excuses

Resolutions are for the birds. We spend so much time hyping up a goal or ambition without the slightest bit of understanding of what the steps necessary to make the goals come to fruition are. The problem is, the majority of these resolutions are simple; the journey to achieve them isn’t complicated or convoluted, it […]

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Slow & Steady Wins the Race

Patience may be a virtue, the moral compass we should all strive to adhere the quality for, but it is also harder to master than a 300 pound blue belt learning to berimbolo. Think about it. If patience was so easily attainable, New Year’s resolutions wouldn’t exist. There wouldn’t be an influx of new gym […]

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She is Incredible, But So Am I

Comparison is the thief of joy, an act of violence against oneself, and a distraction from our true purpose, so why can’t I stop doing it? This person is younger than me, better than me, prettier than me, more fit than me, has accomplished way more than me, the list goes on and on. Yet, […]

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