It’s easier to not try; to allow yourself to fail even at something you so desperately want rather than deal with the disappointment of trying really hard and coming up short regardless. We can be so consumed with the fear of failure that we give up before something even begins. We can have it set in our minds that this is the end all be all and if we put everything into it and fail, then our whole existence is meaningless and we are mentally and sometimes even physically destroyed. Constantly worried about “well, what if I worked my hardest and did everything I could and still fail? Will I be able to deal with the mental repercussions of giving it my all and still not succeeding?” We work ourselves up with anxiety and worry over something that hasn’t even happened yet, that it begins to unravel us. Always wondering what if you give everything you got and still fail to reap the desired results? Okay, but hear me out on this one. But what if you don’t?

I always find it exceptionally dangerous to put all of our happiness into one thing. This means should that one thing not heed the results wanted (i.e. the demise of a relationship, the loss of a competition, a passed job opportunity, a failed test etc.) then we are completely demoralized and broken and on a downward spiral into depression and isolation. This can lead to us self sabotaging the results because then we control the failure to help lessen the blow. But then, we will never understand the feelings of success. Thoughts so consumed with what-if’s and letdowns and being fearful of putting ourselves out there so instead we just become complacent with mediocrity. It seems to placate us and be more of a coping mechanism if we allow ourselves to fail before we become invested in the endeavor at hand. This is a dangerous mindset as we will never fully reach our potential because we are putting a cap on our efforts. We can’t be upset at the results we don’t get from the work we refuse to put in. Life does not spoon feed you success, you need to take risks, work hard, and earn it. Are you really going to let a small thing like fear prevent you from seeking your greatest potential?

I’d rather push myself to my highest capabilities and see what levels of success I can reach with nothing but the hardest effort put forth, than to live with the regret of an empty and hollow life void of all risks in perseverance of facing my own insecurities. I have a don’t quit mentality, and I would rather die trying than live a long life with nothing to show for it. Just like what was told to the brave warriors of Sparta: come back with your shield, or on it. It’s hard for me to sympathize with those who allow themselves to give up. Trust me, I know it’s hard, I know quitting is easier, and I know it’s difficult to put yourself out there. But I also know it’s exceptionally painful to amount to nothing. Life has the ability to swallow you whole or chew you up and spit you out. I’d rather it choke on all this BDE I am putting into the atmosphere and be as indigestible as the most acidic comestible in existence that not even an entire bottle of Pepto Bismol can salvage it.

There comes a time in our lives where we are presented with tough decisions and the hard choices that separate the meek from the soldiers. Soldier on and persevere or allow what is unknown to come to fruition due to sheer terror. And should you fail, the journey on the path to achieve those results has done more good for you and benefitted you in ways that can’t even be fathomed from those on the sidelines. Crave the battle, not the glory. When I fight, I wake up on fight day full of excitement to showcase my hard work and the ability to do what I love. The fight is my reward for the arduous camp and training that went into my preparation and it is the day where I get to live my dream. Win or lose, the work that went to reaching that day is not wasted. It only makes me a better athlete and a more resilient individual and allows me push myself to new heights of capabilities. There are countless things on my checklist I never would have dreamed possible for me until it happened. It is only impossible until it isn’t.

This isn’t meant to make mockery or light of those struggling to conquer those inner demons. Sometimes we all just need a little kick in the caboose and a harsh dose of reality to give us the mental push we need to do what needs to be done. There are days where every joint, bone, ligament, and muscle in my body is screaming for me to hit snooze on my alarm and just lay in bed. But champions don’t take the easy way out and neither will I. I like pushing my mind and my body to unprecedented levels and taking pride in the person I see reflecting back at me in the mirror. Should I fail, I fail with dignity and honor. I’ll never succeed by fraud, cheating, or sheer luck. Pretty soon, the baby goals I set for myself will help pave the path to success with the big goals at the end of the journey, and when all is said and done, I know I will have given everything I got and worked so hard to be able to keep my head held high regardless of the results presented. Yes, you may try your hardest and still fail. And I will continue to repeat this mantra until it sticks; but what if you don’t?

Hard working team reaping results


2 Replies to “But What If You Don’t”

  1. I fail daily at Jiu Jitsu. I’m really quite bad at it. Still I keep coming to class and taking private lessons. There are bits that are making sense to me, so I think I’m making progress. Still I’m small, and old, and not too good, so most days I get smashed. It’s been good for me because it forces me to accept failure and keep going.

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