May is mental health awareness month; a cause I will champion and continue to champion for the rest of my days. Perhaps the reason for this is because almost every single person you know has dealt with this issue in one aspect or another, whether it has personally effected them or someone that they love and care about. I don’t think I can name anyone off the top of my head that hasn’t suffered with some form of anxiety or depression and it seems as the years go by it varyingly increases in severity and impact more and more. The trouble with mental health is how isolating it can make you feel due to the stigmas associated with it. People remain silent about their struggles because they may feel embarrassed, like a burden to others, or viewed as weak or inferior. Well, if it helps even just one person I have no shame and no problem screaming from the rooftops that there are moments and days where I struggle. Not every second of my life is perpetuated with the confidence of big dick energy and sometimes, I falter and I crumble, but I will always do my best to keep on trucking.

Personally, I think it is exceptionally brave to confront these demons and seek help and support when you need it. Your mind can play tricks on you to make you feel completely alone in your struggles and like no one else can relate or understand/sympathize with what you are going through. This is false; so many people have dealt with internal struggle and have persevered with tenacity and acceptance of help. The more we try to carry the load ourselves is the greater the chance at collapsing under the weight of it all. Allow others to assist you in your time of need and be ready too reciprocate that same kindness to others. United we are strong, divided we fall.

Today, for example, is one of those days where I am struggling. Just a lot oof stress and balancing some burdens weighing on my mind and overloading my plate. And on days like this when I can use a little bit more love and kindness, if one more thing piles up on me, I tend to lash out. Even if it’s nothing bad, but an ignored message or unreciprocated kind words begins to take its toll. I try not to let my mind play tricks on me and tell me I am only good for favors and tasks and people don’t actually love, like, or need me, that I am just the person here to give but never receive. Logically, I know this is false, but fuck man, some days are just shitty. No matter how much I know this is not true, sometimes my stupid brain tells me it is.

The good thing about these feelings though, is that they are fleeting and temporary. Life is not so much about the things that happen to you, but how you choose to respond. Your attitudes and actions from your day to to day life cultivate your future and the person that you become. And remember, you never know exactly what another person is dealing with or their internal struggles, so please practice kindness and patience along the way. It costs you nothing to not be a dick, or to not brush people aside, so learn to not be the person people hy away from when it comes to expressing themselves or their thoughts. You never know who you may save just by showing some empathy.

This month, I implore you to do some self reflection. Everyone is different and no one handles things the same. So what may not seem like a big deal to you can really hurt someone else’s feelings. No one is saying you need to coddle everyone you meet, but someone may be struggling greatly or feel hurt by something and when you brush it off like no big deal, it can make people feel small and insignificant. Reach out for help, there is a plethora of people and resources eager and willing to help. And on the days where you’re happy and life is going well, soak it all in and enjoy it. After every rainstorm, there is a bright and sunny day just up ahead. And always remember, you are never alone.

Great mental health resource with a helpline at the bottom

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