How much wasted time is spent dreaming about the possibilities of the future instead of waking up and living it? The time is going to pass regardless, shouldn’t it be spent pursuing our goals, no matter what our age or life circumstances? A whole entire brand new year is upon us, and a wise man once told me that it is good to set goals for ourselves as it gives us something to strive for and work hard at. Complacency breeds laziness, and lazy people don’t ever grow past their boundaries. Why do we allow doubts to place limits on us and what our potentials of capable of reaching? If I speak something into existence, I can make it happen as long as I continue too work hard and believe in myself. I have seen far too many people exceed expectations society set on them because of their age, background, or body type etc;, and I am starting to get the crazy idea that anything is possible.
It’s so easy to hit snooze on the alarm, order in some pizza, skip a workout, or mindlessly twiddle away hours online. But why spend our time dreaming about what could be instead of just waking the fuck up and going to do it!? Don’t get me wrong, I definitely have days where I have every excuse imaginable to phone it in, and not push myself. But then, my dreams would be just that, a hopeless and far-fetched unattainable idea. World champions don’t become world champions only be dreaming about it. They set goals for themselves and start taking the necessary steps possible in order to make those lofty goals become a reality. I’ve never been a fan of the easy life that led to no real accomplishments. Yes, you may fail, but so what? Would you rather be disappointed in failure, or live with the regret of never having tried? And if you try and succeed, I promise there is no better feeling in the entire world.
Life comes at you fast. One minute, your cutting class in high school and getting into nefarious and illicit activities with your friends just goofing off and having a good time, and the next minute all of your joints are reliant on a topical menthol cream and you are teetering on the cusp of a milestone birthday. I never want to look back at my life and ask myself “what if?” I have failed more times than the average person has even tried, but then again, average has never been a word in my vocabulary that can be used to describe myself and it shouldn’t be used for you either. I have a thousand and one excuses I can pull out of a bag for not getting something done today, but I would be ashamed and disgusted with myself for putting limitations based off of temporary and fleeting emotions or minor physical grievances. Those who achieve greatness never did so because the path to get there was easy, instead their resiliency allowed them to persevere until they reached their objective.
The road to success is paved with anything but even and steady asphalt. After all, smooth sailing never made a skilled sailor. When the shit hits the fan, I definitely want the person captaining my ship to be the one who’s dealt with every nautical snafu thrown at him and still managed to make it out (predominantly) unscathed. Yes, the journey may be arduous and full of cobblestones and potholes down your pathway, but it will make the fruits of your labor that much more victorious and something truly special and to be cherished. Even in movies, no one appreciates and has a strong fondness for the hero if everything is handed to them. Audiences and critics alike cheer for the underdog, the comeback story, and the person who had to climb mountain after mountain just to finally reach the peak.
If you have dreams, it’s time to stop dreaming and start living. Only the fool wastes hours asleep and filling their mind with lofty ambitions without ever taking the steps to reach those goals. The doers of the world dust off their clothes, give themselves a pep talk and words of affirmation, and then they bust their asses to do what needs to be done. I couldn’t imagine living an entire life with nothing to show for it. Don’t we allow it to ourselves to earn those bragging rights and scream from the rooftops that we did the damn thing. I won’t stop grinding until those dreams I once had become a reality and I plan on pouring so much of myself, my blood, my sweat, and my tears, into every facet of my life. No one is promised an easy process, but we can all work hard enough to gather the tools to put success at the forefront and bring it to fruition. It’s 2021 y’all. What could you possibly be waiting for?
Chasing mine! Been on the competition wagon for a while.
If you don’t try, how do you know if you’re good at it?
Thank you so much for all your blogs
I need to read this about 8 times a day right now….40 years old and a broke, single mom and I gotta pull up my boot straps and make life work on my own…
Hell yeah! I love it