Sometimes it’s so hard to sit back and watch things take place when you so badly want to step in and inform people that the situation taking place is not a good one, nor a healthy one, but no there is no possible way for you to not end up looking bitter in this scenario. So you have to sit back and watch things unfold and hope with every fiber of your being that eventually things come to light and eventually people’s true colors show and other people truly see them for what they are. It’s unfortunate when these things take place and we can’t interject immediately, either because it is a canon event in people’s lives, it is simply not our place to become involved, or we know that putting ourself in the middle would reflect poorly on our behalf and no one would understand where we are coming from regardless. Some things people need to witness for themselves in order to be believed and all you can do is be a good friend and stand alongside them, maybe a half of a step behind them, in order to be able to catch them should they stumble and fall when the person they placed their misguided trust in decides to abandon them as the road becomes a little bit rocky and difficult to navigate. If only they saw that the one loyal person who would have guided them through the thickets of any bumpy terrain and lead them into any battle was right there all along, but I digress.

Life will always be full of choices, and it will always be convoluted of making the wrong ones. Many times, we are blinded by emotions, and whether we want to admit it or not, the majority of those poor decisions originate from selfish decisions. For example, our heart often tells us we are in love or have significant feelings for walking red flags that we will consciously choose to ignore. Thus, this innate choice is already inherently selfish, and whether we eschew other goals in lieu of dedicating time for this other person or forego our other friends in our life for them, we have already made selfish and let’s be honest, probably wrong decisions for them. A learning lesson many, if not all of us go through, with hopefully not catastrophic results. If someone is loyal to a company or a business for years upon years, but someone shiny, bright, and new comes to town that they immediately are won over by thinking the grass is greener and can help them reach their goals with false promises (just like a politician lol). Only for them to be utterly shocked when that business then chooses to leave them behind for greener pastures for the entire entity. To you, you saw more success, to them, they saw dollar signs, and you left something great because of it.

One small choice leads us to our destiny; one simple decision can alter the outcome of our fate and it is something we must live with every single day. The butterfly effect, where any single one of our choices, or lack thereof, can impact our future course. And then I wonder when I witness certain things, should I have spoken up and said something instead of watching it all unfold? But often times, there are major problems that arise should you speak up, where you get labeled simply as envious, or as a hater, or that you’re just jealous of someone else’s situation, leading to a lose-lose situation. If there is impending harm or danger that will occur without speaking up, I will definitely risk becoming unpopular or even hated by saying something, but many times, it does no good. People don’t want to hear what you have to say, even if you do have their best interests at heart, and unfortunately this is just a life lesson that they are going to have to learn for themselves.

Some people are really good at masking their true selves and hiding behind a different persona. There are some people who live for the ulterior motive, and once they are done getting what they need out of a certain individual, they move on to the next victim, I mean person. And many times, it takes far too many repetitions of this pattern of behavior for the naive and gullible to catch on, especially to the innately good and true people of the world. The ones who strive to always see the best in people and find it hard to believe that some humans can excel at being so cruel and living conscious-free. Me, personally, I possess way too much guilt to ever lay my head down to sleep at night knowing I have used people for my own gain, or treated people poorly, betrayed someone’s trust, been disloyal, manipulated others, lied, cheated, or behaved dishonorable in any way. Though I may not be perfect, I am also not an insufferable asshole who uses people, so I can always work on the flaws that I do have. And I do always believe that what is done in the darkness eventually comes to light, I just sometimes wish it didn’t take so damn long.

If you lay down with dirty dogs, you’ll eventually get fleas, and to me, these are risks I am not willing to take. I can provide warnings, but if people choose not to heed them, I won’t keep screeching them until I am blue in the face and damaging my vocal chords in the process. Eventually, people learn. And maybe, they will one day apologize and wish they had listened. Or maybe they will grow in bitterness and resentment at their predicament and end up worse off because they knew it all could have been avoided. Who knows? I can not choose how others react to the things I do or say; that is far out of my control. Instead, I can focus on what I do, the things I choose to voice out loud, and the ways in which I react to what happens around me. I am much happier when I understand what is in my control and what circumvents it. Pay attention to people’s true colors, and the paintings that are presented with the color palettes that are available. Do not sacrifice your own peace trying to reveal it for others, for lack of character always reveals itself in the end. As much as these knee injuries are trying to put me in a Picasso blue period right now, I still can’t help feeling like a bad bitch Frida Kahlo masterpiece. Just some happy little accidents on this painting of life.

True self since day 1

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