Feelings are often attributed to what makes us human in life, the sole connector to our minds, body, soul, and spirit. But emotions are flawed and fickle; they can cloud our judgment and trigger inflammatory responses and knee jerk reactions and dilute our thought process. It’s a never-ending battle that exists within us, choosing between right and wrong, what’s right and what is needed, how we feel versus how we think, and so on and so forth. It’s hard not to make a split second decision off of a strong emotional feeling, and jumping the gun in these situations can have dire consequences. Living with regret can be one of the most detrimental occurrences to ever happen to us, and we need to ask ourselves whether it’s worse to live with the regret of the choices and decisions that we make or the ones in which we are too fearful to pull the trigger and then must have to live with the inactions for our remaining years on this planet. Unsaid words or the inability to make a decision coupled with apathy in my opinion, will always inflict much more damage than committing to a choice. When we care for nothing, we have no leverage in tasks or motivation to do almost anything in life. We rely on others to fulfill our needs, spiritually, romantically, and financially. And god forbid there is a fatal flaw where all this comes crashing down, and we would be totally screwed. You can’t rely on others for your finances without being willing to work toward your own yourself. You can’t rely on your romantic parter to make you happy because a true relationship is give and take and you must find happiness within yourself before finding someone to share and enhance it with. And you can’t expect the world to cater to your needs without taking steps to do so for yourself.

The harsh reality is that many people don’t want to hear the truth and would much rather ignore the red flags and turn a blind eye rather than facing the problem head on and coming to terms with aspects and attitudes about themselves that must be addressed and changed. It can be a greater sense of self than we have as an individual to be able to identify the ways we have went wrong and acted inappropriately out of emotion. Learning to recognize these instances and working hard to rectify them is an excellent sign of growth as a person. Unfortunately, most people haven’t reached that level of self awareness and instead of making peace that they’re the one that could have been the problem, they try to hoist all the blame and wrongdoings on the shoulders of a single party. One of the single greatest things I have done for myself as a person has been to learn to accept responsibility for the situations I put myself into and acknowledge areas on which need improvement as well as learning to apologize when I am in the wrong. No one alive is perfect, and recognizing our egregious transgressions will allow us to transcend diverting the blame to everyone but ourselves and aid us in working to change what needs to be improved upon. Never in my life have I been as happy and content with the way things are going than when I have matured as a person and became the adult who accepts responsibility for my life. My happiness and my entire existence is up to me, and even when things get difficult, I nut up buttercup and learn how to problem solve.

It’s easy to allow ourselves to fall deep into our emotions and base decisions off of a temporary and fleeting feeling. I promise no instantaneous decision made off of anger or sadness has ever lead to a positive experience. Sometimes, it’s hard when we are faced with tough love or we feel like the world is out to get us, but if we can put aside our emotions and try and see the bigger picture, than there is an excellent chance we are on the cusp of vastly improving our life’s situation. It may feel like people are shitting on us, but maybe instead they are actually fertilizing us to flourish and grow to reach new heights. Yes, it may stink a great bit at first, but eventually that will pass and we will thrive and blossom. But imagine all the opportunities we pass right on by just because the road to get there is a bit arduous and rocky. Pressure makes diamonds baby, and you gotta work for it. Sure, there are people who get by without doing jack shit and some poor idiot hands them a diamond regardless, but they will never appreciate its true value and beauty without having worked for it themselves. The majority of the population won’t just be handed shit on a silver platter, it has to be earned. Life catches up to everyone eventually, and who wants to live with the regret of never having worked for anything with nothing to show for it?

I could never be the person who skates on by life off of the backs of others. The only guarantee in this life is that eventually it will end as death comes for everyone. And while we all will one day die, not everyone will truly live, and how fucking sad is that. I couldn’t imagine ever living off of others and never working hard to provide for myself all because I let my feelings completely dictate the way I live. I am never basing my choices off of pettiness or bitterness or wanting to hurt others in the ways I myself have been hurt. That is no way to live and will eventually lead to a life of misery and sadness. No one who lives their life in a way out of pure spite for others can ever be truly happy, as they are never truly living for themselves. Imagine focusing that type of energy and time into actually doing something productive with your life. You might be the catalyst for positive change and a pivotal point in doing some good in the world and impacting the lives of others for the better. People like to say that no one is better than anyone else, but unpopular opinion time: everyone has a past and has struggles, but those who are actively working hard to better themselves, in my eyes, will always be better than the lazy ones sitting on their ass expecting other to take care of their wants or needs. Decide to be better and work hard or you can continue to be a raggedy bitch, the choice is yours and yours alone.

Unless you’re a complete sociopath, we all are heavily impacted by our feelings and the repercussions our emotions have on dictating our choices. Only when we can make peace with not allowing outside actions or inactions heavily persuade our decision making because of the way we feel, will we have reached a level of calm most strive their whole lives to ascertain. We can’t always choose the way others make us feel, but we wholeheartedly can choose how we respond and react to these emotions. Should my name get brought up at tables I don’t sit at is completely out of my hands, but if you aren’t even fit to be the busboy clearing my dirty plates, then I damn sure don’t care about the trivial gossip that escapes your musty lips. Holding on to anger, resentment, hate, and sadness will do nothing except poison me from the inside out, and the only emotions I am making time for is the ones that lead to greatness. Feelings are an entire conundrum of thoughts and actions and lead to a plethora of consequences, some just take many many years to come to the surface before we realize there error of our ways. Life is chock full of tough lessons, but there are many unnecessary hardships we put ourselves in because of emotions taking over. At the end of the day, the only thing I got left to say is these feelings can make like Jenna Jameson and get fucked. Period.

This blog is dedicated in loving remembrance to Grandma Ruby, who’s kindness and generosity could eradicate any negative emotion daring to effect us. May she rest in peace.

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