One of the age old pieces of wisdom many of us heard while growing up is if you don’t have anything nice to say, then say nothing at all. It seems that mentality in the era of social media has been tossed out the window with such gusto, that even Tom Brady’s deflated balls wouldn’t reach their length of travel. The issue rampant online in this current time period, is that everyone feels entitled to their individual opinion and to be heard. People view it as almost a travesty if they don’t get to input their 2 cents on every post and status that they come across, pitter pattering the comment section with what they believe is the sole correct and vital opinion or viewpoint. The harsh reality is, most people don’t care what it is we have to say, nor are they obliged to placate us by allowing us to speak our peace. It is not a presidential debate being moderated by an individual who ensures we have a designated period to air out our grievances and allow us to be heard. No one online owes us a damn thing, especially when it comes to validating our own thoughts and beliefs, and to expect others to adhere to our discussion is a moot point. No one in the history of time has ever been persuaded to differ from their opinion by a lengthy Facebook argument, so why continue to ram your objectives down people’s throats like Ron Jeremy in the early 80s.

Opinions are like assholes; everyone has them and they all stink. But, yet, people always get into pissing contests about who’s opinion is the best, and it is a hill many seem willing to die on. I’ve become much happier these days and entirely more satisfied in life by only contributing positivity to the conversation. I try to leave at least 3 positive and uplifting comments daily, whether on friend’s posts or ones by complete strangers, because a simple compliment or acknowledgement of one’s successes can mean the world. If someone makes a post of which I am vehemently opposed to or disagree with, I do this miraculous and almost unheard of thing of just scrolling right on by. No one’s opinion has ever been pursuaded through a tirade of online ramblings and heated debates. Likewise, stopping to comment on a post just to leave a negative remark has to be the stupidest and most ignorant things one can do, not even mentioning that it is simply a colossal waste of time. Like, why bother? You are going to do nothing but elevate your own stress and tension levels, and for what? More than likely, the only thing you’re going to accomplish is dampening your own mood, rather than being lauded and pat on the back for the blithering words you regurgitate online.

I’m aware that this entire blog probably sounds incredibly hypocritical of me when here I am, voicing my own opinions on an online platform. The beauty of this is, though, that no one is forcing you to read and/or comment on this. If my blog posts don’t tickle your fancy, feel free to just scroll right on by. I won’t lose sleep over someone not reading my posts (although personally, I think you’d be missing out. In a totally unbiased opinion of course). I don’t understand why others are compelled to leave their viewpoint on every single thing they come across. I’m aware that as an individual person in a world of billions, I am just a blip on the radar, so why would I use my blip just to be an insufferable and opinionated know-it-all by constantly commenting on every little post I see. Coincidentally, if I have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation, I will remain silent. When people post a video of a workout they accomplish, they don’t need unwarranted and unsolicited opinions on their form or on any little imperfection you see. Likewise, if someone posts a photo of food they make or art they create, they don’t need you critiquing it like you’re fucking Gordon Ramsey or Richard Roeper.

I’ve got plenty of well qualified and absolutely amazing coaches to tell me where I mess up in my training and to correct me where needed. I also apparently have a lot of online critics who are more than happy to tell me anything else I do wrong or let me know what parts of me look incredibly unattractive or manly. Fortunately for me, I’ve worked really hard on not contributing to the negativity already thrust upon myself and I make sure to consistently surround myself with positive and uplifting people in my personal life as well. We all have the wonderful ability to delete and/or block people from our ‘friend’s’ list who do nothing but bring us down every time they leave a disparaging remark or cause our stress and anxiety levels to rise by constantly butting into every online conversation. I am always amazed that people have the kind of free time to be able to leave so many online comments as my schedule is so incredibly packed that I barely have time to write this blog every week. Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice.

Long story short, unless there is an absolute morally reprehensible or hateful comment that without a doubt needs to be addressed, just scroll on by. What are you gaining by being so opinionated on everything that you have actually become quite the intolerable person to associate with? Maybe think a little bit before leaving a comment. Too often, we think we are helping people see the light, when in fact, we are just trying to flex our superiority. Everyone excels at different paths in life and it is not up to us to be critical on all that we see. I am so sick of seeing nitpicking and ridiculing remarks all day long and it’s honestly mentally exhausting to see the same people bickering over and over again. We get it. You’re angry and bitter at others successes or you’re so deranged in your viewpoints that you think anyone else with a differing opinion is absolutely wrong and ignorant. Give it a rest already. I implore you to practice kindness, be more positive in your online world and watch it translate into your real life as well. The energy we put out is the same one that will be reciprocated back to us, and we all know the type of energy I’m interested in. Yes, I am talking about the colossal phallic variety. Leave a positive comment or just ignore and keep your thoughts to yourself. There is no reason to get worked up over such trivial things when guaranteed we are all dealing with much bigger issues at hand. Do better folks.

shameless plug

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