As I approach my fight this coming week, I am doing some reflecting. Primarily, reflecting on all the good in my life because no matter the outcome for the title this weekend, I have so much going on that I can appreciate and be grateful for. There are people out there that love to throw more shade than an oak tree, but I’m slowly learning that this negative outlook says a lot more about them than it does about me. What someone, especially a stranger, is doing with their life has no bearing on mine, and if they choose to live a life fueled by anger and hate, than I am not the loser here. Especially “fighters” who remark and comment on anything that has to do with me. No publicity is bad publicity (so they say) so I appreciate the extra notoriety. I continue to keep my chin down and my hands high, and look forward to the example I set for the amazing kids in my life.
This past weekend, I was able to be a part of the most beautiful wedding ceremony imaginable as I witnessed my triplet brother wed his gorgeous wife and my new sis. So much love and happiness in the air that it would be hard to focus on anything else. And as tough as I may seem, I am an incredible sucker for love and I wept throughout the whole affair while front and center in such a glorious cathedral. I had the best person in the world by my side and I got to experience a matrimony between 2 people so incredibly perfect for one another. How could I let anything affect my mood or misdemeanor when I was surrounded by such love and happiness? I refuse to let other people’s ugliness hinder my inner beauty, and I implore you to think the same way.
It takes a lot for us to let go of our surroundings. We all too often let the attitudes and actions of others have to much of an impact on our mind and soul. I know I am personally guilty of this. I tend to take the failures and inadequacies of others I have a personal impact on as a reflection of who I am as a person. I think it’s the coach in me which is a hard thing to let go of and not carry into the ‘parenting’ aspect. John’s daughter’s wrestling coach confided that he felt like a failure when his student athletes didn’t succeed, but that is not true at all. He succeeds every day by being a positive influence on those kids and trying his best to impart some knowledge. John tells me all the time that we can only provide the right tools and guidance but can’t live their lives for them. As such a control freak, this has been a hard thing for me to learn to accept, but I know he is right and I will be much happier and more stress free if I simply heed his advice.
Holding on to negative thoughts and feelings hurts no one but ourselves. We are solely responsible for our well-being and happiness. There are always going to be things in life aggravating us and inciting our stress receptors, but it is up to us how we deal with life’s little snafus. 5 years from now, is the thing that is causing us this momentary grief even going to matter? If the answer is no, then why even fret about it? It’s easy to blame outside circumstances on the hands we are dealt in life, what’s hard is to suck it up and do what needs to be done regardless. I’m not saying we can’t take a moment here and there to cry it out or scream, but any pity party that takes more than 5 minutes is a waste of time; time better spent doing something much more productive.
This Friday I am about to leave everything I have inside that cage, and while there are many, many of you who have helped me along this journey, ultimately the final outcome of that night is entirely up to me. This can be an exceptionally daunting task, but I know I have given everything I have in this fight camp and I plan on giving everything I have in that octagon. I have sacrificed so much to reach my dreams, but every ounce of sacrifice is worth its weight in results. I hope in my heart of hearts that I will be writing my next blog post as a champion, but I know no matter what happens, I have the most loving family in and out of the gym and friends that are there for me through thick and thin. I will do my best and will do it with honor.
Thank you to all those who believe in me and continue to lift me up in my chosen career path. I spoke with some old high school friends recently and am floored by the support and encouraging words they have provided. I do this for myself first and foremost, but to know that others believe in me to the same extent that I believe in myself is truly breathtaking. I want to make my family proud and then stuff my face with pizza and donuts in celebration alongside them. There is nothing we can’t accomplish together and I hope you all enjoy the show. Please use the following link to view the fights if you can not be there in person. The show starts at 7 and I am the co-main event: