Who Run the World?

Women. The bearers of the children, the maternal figure, the estrogen fueled gentle warrior. A vast multitude of adjectives can be used to describe her role, but what I never want the word ‘woman’ to be synonymous with is ‘victim’ or ‘weak’. This past weekend, I hosted a 2 hour free women’s self defense seminar […]

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Land of the Free, Because of the Brave

Very few times in life am I privileged enough to be part of an experience so truly humbling, that it takes my brain time to process everything that went down. As any of you who read my blog know, I am a huge advocate for mental health care, and I wanted to shine a light […]

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Don’t Stop Me Now

One life on this Earth. Just the one. Imagine just sitting idly by, watching the minutes pass to hours, then days, then weeks, and then years, never knowing what you are fully capable of.  Sure, it might be a risk to put ourselves out there, but isn’t our happiness a risk worth taking? Hard work […]

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