The New Year is upon us, which to me, means a great time for leaving bad habits behind and embracing new routines. For myself personally, that means fully and wholly dedicating myself to every task that lays before me, i.e. never doing anything half-assed, but always with the entirety of all of my buttocks instead. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely commit myself to a lot of things and have done plenty of challenging feats that require hard work and discipline, but I would be lying if I said I never skimped some stuff or cut a few corners. Maybe it’s human nature to try and preserve our peace by not inundating our minds with too arduous of tasks, and perhaps this is why I have alleviated some of my stressors to save some time and heartache (call it a safety measure of self-preservation instincts). But I can’t continue living my life in a way that will possibly keep me from reaching my full potential. I have the possibility to not merely do good things, but to do great things with my life, even if that means sacrificing more than I previously had and pushing myself to my breaking point on several different occasions. I don’t want to be a slave to the fear of wasting my years on this earth not fulfilling my destiny and making an impact on this world.

So here I am, clutching these booty cheeks and using all of this gym-blessed peach to pursue my dreams and life’s goals. I will grit my teeth and keep trudging along, even on they days that it’s hard, and trust when I say there will be plenty. We don’t always wake up in the morning, eager and ready to face whatever obstacles remain in our path that day. Sometimes we are mentally exhausted, physically tired, struggle with less than ideal circumstances, and have been smacked across the face with trauma and tragedy. It is okay to mentally recuperate or take a reprieve to collect yourself and heal, but best believe when I am able, I will be jumping my whole ass into whatever task lays ahead. I know whenever I am in fight camp, there are so many times when I feel exhausted and beat up and down on myself, but the second I feel one spark of motivation, or am content with gritting my teeth and bearing it, I start my next endeavor. Good things don’t always come to those who wait, but to those who bust their butts in its pursuit.

It doesn’t always have to be a major goal or chore or competition we are approaching. Sometimes it can be as simple as waking up and deciding to do an overhaul of your kitchen. Cleaning, organizing, cooking, you name it. But rather than just picking up a few crumbs, you decide to buckle down and put Cinderella to shame with your scrubbing and make the Pioneer Woman feel like an absolute peasant with the work you will be doing on the stove that day. And that is because you decided to wake up and commit to your day fully-assed. Other times it may be working to receive a promotion in your respected field. Or even to being the absolute best parent to your children that you can possibly be. Either way, its full cheeks ahead as this engine chug-a-lugga-choo-choos up them tracks. I think I can so I know I can and then I definitely will. Maybe not the little engine that could, but the big ol’ caboose that did.

I wish I could sit here and say that I always gave 100% to everything in life that I did, but that would be a bald-faced lie. I definitely relented sometimes when my mental fortitude wasn’t capable of persevering. But never again. I don’t want to let weak moments define my character, but the strength that I possess within me to prevail. I dare to care with all of this derriere and that will help propel me to new heights. I refuse to become too complacent with anything in life, knowing that it can all be taken away in the blink off an eye, and therefore must always be working hard to preserve the things I have obtained. If you allow yourself to become too satisfied in your current predicament and things begin to feel too cushy, you are definitely not using your whole dang tushy. The partial effort will be noticed and regret will follow those who allow the shortcuts to supersede the harder and longer roads to success. That which comes fast and easy is also fleeting and does not last. Better to put in the hours and massive amounts of work to increase longevity in whichever it is you choose to pursue.

Resolutions are rampant right now, and we see a few tried and true commonalities every year with a smattering of random ones scattered throughout. I understand that any time is the perfect time to decide to commit yourself to making a change for the better, but for some reason the New Year has become synonymous with a New You. Perfectly fine to me as I want nothing more than the world to be a better place and have people stop being so ugly to one another and deciding to make their health, both physical and mental, an absolute priority. I am definitely trying my best to leave as much toxic, painful, and negative thoughts, actions, emotions, memories, and people behind in 2022 and emerge into 2023 as my best and most authentic self. I always wondered why when I had trouble with processing my emotions during stressful situations (anxiety or frustration for example), why I couldn’t just take a deep breath and stop. Well, I decided to stop letting those mental barriers dictate my mood and actions and henceforth, have just ceased to acknowledge them. You’re damn right I will always approach things with the mindset that I absolutely 100% can do this and be successful and believing in me will help propel this to fruition. I will never be the person who looks back on their life with regret at all the things I held myself back from because I will do it. Always, with a smile on my face, confidence in my hearts and an entire ass full of hard motherfucking determination.

Always ready for the next big thing with him by my side

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