You know, the older I get, the more I realize I could give two shit’s about what others think of the way I live my life. I have the people in my life that I care about and that matter to me and everyone else can have whatever opinions of me that they would like and it wouldn’t concern me one bit. As many people reading this probably know, I got married this past weekend. I am sure I am incredibly biased, but being surrounded by all of my friends and family made it without a doubt the absolute best wedding I have ever been to. My husband and I ensured we were only surrounded by people we wanted to make happy memories with, and to anyone who has a problem with our shared union, let them eat cake. Just not my Cinnacake, I am done sharing my dessert haha.
Take for instance the incident with Will Smith and Chris Rock at the Academy Awards over the weekend. You think they care one iota of a percent of what any of us mere commoners think? These celebrities are all so far removed from the plights of the average, everyday citizen, yet many people are hungrily clamoring away at their keyboards, eager to share their opinions they feel they are so entitled to give. My entire newsfeed Monday morning was filled with scathing remark after remark, detailed critiques, and lauding declarations over two strangers who wouldn’t have any idea who you were anyway. Have we becomes so far removed from the actual issues plaguing society and the true pressing matters in the world, that everyone and their aunt needs to comment on an incredibly outlandish celebrity issue? I highly doubt the citizens of Ukraine are arguing with their friends and family over whether they are on Team Smith or Team Rock.
It’s nice when you grow and mature and realize the things that truly matter in life. I was so concerned about things and people’s opinions when I was in high school and college that I wouldn’t even bat an eye at now. I was always self conscious about every little facet of my appearance and the way others perceived me, whereas these days, I am more consumed with thoughts of if I am making a positive impact to those around me and whether I am doing the right things with this life I’ve been given. Should random people that have no impact on my life critique my appearance or comment on my lifestyle, who cares? Cake for all of them.
Moral of the blogging story, I will do my best to make sure that the things I do matter, and leave the frivolity for the birds. If you’re holding out for universal popularity, you will die waiting. I’ll let you know you can be the juiciest, most delectable peach imaginable, and there will still be somebody out there who loathes peaches. If our job or position in life requires us to care for others, then definitely take responsibility for them, but don’t extend yourself to the people in the nosebleeds booing you at every turn. They can eat their cake in a miserable existence while the rest of us enjoy every morsel of confectionary deliciousness.