Diets don’t work and hear me out. There are a bunch of mitigating factors, such as the tendency to overestimate the calories we burn and underestimate the calories we eat, which is why tracking all of this is crucial (countless apps cater to this nowadays). There’s also a lot of misinformation or misunderstanding of said information out there. For example, when people hear the phrase “breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” they don’t understand that it really means just the first thing you consume and put in your body that day after breaking your fast. Most people are sleeping at night and break their fast in the morning, but you aren’t wrong if you skip breakfast. Just break your fast diligently and intelligently with good fuel when you do eat. The last major factor is because when some new fad diet catches on and begins popularly circulating across the country, more products generating revenue begin to crop up toward that geared market. Civilization as a whole has become lazy and complacent. Why learn more about our bodies and fueling them with the proper nutrition when we can run to the store and see labels exclaiming “keto!” Or “only 2 weight watchers points!” etc. A vast majority of these labeled foods are processed and artificial garbage, and primarily most of the time, aren’t entirely accurate or 100% equivalent to the lifestyle they are advertising coupled with people who don’t fully understand deciphering what they read. The only way you can be positive and absolutely sure of what you are consuming is by preparing and making the food yourself, so why don’t we do it?

Simple answer, really. Lack of time, education, finances, and opportunity. The number one question I get bombarded with the most is how I lose the 20 lbs necessary for me to make weight (on average, I walk around at 122 lbs and have to weigh in at 105 lbs the day before the bout). People seem disappointed when I give a thorough explanation of my process and are upset the answer isn’t “take this one pill and you will drop 15 lbs in 5 days!”  Not to mention the water load that takes place, so that I can drop several lbs of water in my morning sauna or epsom salt bath session and then put the majority of that weight back on in the immediate hours after stepping on the scale. A large percentage of the population is perpetually dehydrated, so when anyone tries to drop the water weight fast via use of diuretics or OTC supplements they aren’t educated on, they can cause severe damage in the long run. Also, a great amount of people are deficient in crucial supplements, such as zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D, which is why their bodies seem to falter and immune systems crash under a drastic change in diet. Again, all of this has taken time and dedication to figure out, but my health is incredibly important for not only longevity in the sport, but in life as well and I never want to endanger my vital organs with a dangerous weight cut.

Let’s take for example the ketogenic diet; people don’t fully understand the complexities and necessities to put your body in a state of ketosis. You really have to consume an exorbitant amount of fats so your body recognizes it has to burn off the calories in fat instead of storing it for energy. You deplete your body predominantly of carbohydrates, and often times, people don’t realize how many foods they consume that they think aligns with a keto diet, but really takes their body out of ketosis with the carb makeup, such as with cauliflower. There is quite a bit of carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables; it’s not all bread and pasta.Personally, I find what works for me is eating clean, whole, and organic foods. Basically following the guide of “if you could hunt it, fish it, gather it, or grow it, you can eat it.” While this may not be ideal for everyone, it certainly seems to do wonders for me. Some people thrive off of a plant-based diet as long as they are knowledgeable in obtaining other sources of protein. It’s all bout finding what works for you and keeps you as healthy as possible while reaching your goals.

Don’t worry readers, I’m not getting a nose bleed from up here on my high horse, because you better believe I have already created a list on my phone of ‘post-fight snackies’ ya girl is ready to consume after October 8th. And even while in fight camp, I make time for self-care and recovery with adequate sleep, stretching, foam rolling, and other accoutrements. Some of the luxuries included on that comestibles list is of course pizza, this cinnamon roll place I’ve been dying to try, a Crumbl cookie because I have never had one, charcuterie full of cheeses, and the new specialty apple cider donut Oreo about to hit the shelves. I have also included Benadryl to this list because crazily enough I have seemed to develop an intolerance/allergy to any foods that contain artificial dyes, preservatives, fake sugar and ingredients, and harsh chemicals. Go figure. So my skin likes to break out in itchy and hot hives. I also get really bad heartburn for the entire week after a fight so my tummy will be happy but the rest of me will suffer. Worth it!

Life should be enjoyable, and I absolutely love being in the kitchen to cook, bake, and meal prep my foods. I love coming up with new and tasty creations to hit my macros (my lates has been a crazy delicious protein chia pudding that is as equally beautiful to look at as it is delicious). Once I began viewing fight camps as a lifestyle change versus a diet, things fell into place much better. I do not feel starved or deprived but satiated and happy. My body is nourished properly and I am well hydrated and ready to take on the world. Not only that, but eating better has healed so many inflammatory and gastrointestinal issues I wrongly assumed would plague me my whole life until I began healing from the inside out. I hope to one day pursue a path where I can help people really reign in their nutritional goals and make us all healthier without resorting to crash diets or crazy injections and pills. I wish I had a simple solution to all of this, but the most important thing I can say is to try and educate yourself as much as possible to keep you and your family healthy. While it may take time, your life and the life of your loved ones is more than worth it. Once it becomes second nature, it makes life much easier, and you will feel much better in the long run too.

I love meal prep

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