It’s no secret the current topic prevalent right now in the Jiu Jitsu community. Talks of sexual assault and rape of minors as the higher-ups in these prominent organizations are getting lambasted (and rightfully so), for sweeping these charges under the rug. Even worse, many of those accused and even found guilty of such disgusting charges have not only not been punished or ostracized from their affiliations, they have been allowed to retain their instructor positions, even still being in an authoritative role involving children. This isn’t an isolated incident, it is one tiny fractional facet of a pervasive issue on a much larger scale. Look at the whole Esptein scandal. If you don’t think there was a list he was about to roll on delegating how deep these child predators run and the powerful people it would implicate, then I implore you to unbury your head out of the sand. The elite have covered up and protected these sexual predators for years, and I encourage the outrage and vilification of the so-called untouchable people in various industries simply because of their money, power, family, or professional accolades.

I have a platform, and no matter how small of a scale that this blog reaches, I will continue to speak out on the travesties and injustices I witness, especially in regards to the sport I hold so near and dear to my heart. When I was younger, I did not possess the bravery or life experiences that came with being resolute in determination and bravery to right some wrongs. I talked about an incident on my Facebook page, where a high school soccer coach was caught having sexual relations with a player who he had coached since adolescence. The school quietly dismissed him and he was hired in a coaching role at another school, still in charge of children and reputation not even remotely tarnished. She was called every insulting name in the book in regards to sexuality, promiscuity, and seduction and instead of treated as a victim, she was treated as a harlot. I am ashamed I never took up for her and I regret every day not viewing him as what he was, a child rapist who groomed his victims and manipulated his influence in her life to commit reprehensible and disgusting acts. Too many of us have encountered predators and face years of trauma because of it. Death to pedophiles.

I am fortunate to be training in such a safe and healthy environment. My professor always said that the culture and atmosphere of a gym trickles from the top down, meaning that leadership is exemplified through owners and instructors and will be reflected in the attitudes and behaviors of the students. Allowing anyone with a history of predatory behavior, child endangerment, domestic violence or sexually-related charges, speaks volumes of the content of the characters directly derivative of leadership. You sever ties with anyone who demonstrates those destructive tendencies and protect the children of your academy and the entirety of the gym itself. I don’t care how close you are to that person. You have a duty to your school and the people there who trust you to protect them at all costs, man, woman, or child.

I applaud all of the owners and big names in the Jiu Jitsu community taking a stand against these accusations. I appreciate them standing up for the victims and calling out the actions and silences of those who ought to do better. If we stop supporting anyone affiliated with the continuance of these actions, we are making a collective statement that this won’t be tolerated, nor should it have ever been. I hope we all keep that same energy moving forward and choose to support and speak out and make our voices heard. Silence is equivalent to permissibility and an egregious mark on any gym or affiliation who chooses this path. Their silence is deafening, and won’t be forgotten. People are pissed and fed up, and I am here for it.

Take a stand, not just in the Jiu Jitsu community, but for the generations of youth that will be confronted with the predators society has allowed to permeate and infiltrate these spaces. I would rather be persecuted for my opinions on these matters than to remain resolutely silent on the evils I witness in the world. The safety and sanctuary of my academy will forever be my utmost priority, and I trust my fellow instructors to uphold themselves to the highest standards. The owner has led by example and it is clear every single day what a safe and healthy environment the dojo perpetuates. Call out and speak on those who have allowed sexual predators an authoritative role and choose not to support them going forward. Know better, do better, be better, and most of all, help build a better future for those who will come after us.

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