The world owes you nothing, it is up to every single individual to go out there and chase it. It’s a hard pill to swallow to come to the realization that we are where we are in life because of the choices we make and the actions that we take. Sure, some people may do well because of an ounce of luck, but this does not negate the pound of hard work and effort it took to help them reach that point. It’s easy to blame others and life’s circumstances for your letdowns, failures, and lack of success. It’s much harder to internalize these emotions and self reflect on the decisions that brought you to the point you are in now. It’s an uncomfortable feeling to hold yourself accountable and as the sole responsible factor to why life’s circumstances haven’t brought you the happiness in which you seek, but part of life is gritting your teeth to push past the discomfort. Diamonds aren’t formed without pressure and phoenixes only rise from the ashes of burnt embers.

Life is a journey, and most importantly, not a smooth one. Calm seas never made a skilled sailor anyhow. We need to learn to navigate through and over the trials and tribulations threatening to impede our path and endangering our life’s goals. There is a sickness infiltrating our society: apathy and complacency. Those who are content with mediocrity or who fear failure will never understand the triumphant satisfaction that comes with hard work, perseverance, and tenacity. Sure, it is safer to never venture out of your comfort zone, but by limiting your growth and ability to expand, you are ultimately dying a slow and unfulfilled death.

It is never too late in life to expand your horizons and try something new. After all, the time is going to pass anyway, so it may as well be spent improving your life for the better. Too many people on this earth spend years of their lives in waves of unhappiness. Either because they are constantly trying to appease others and putting everyone else before them, or because they don’t want to ruffle any feathers, or because of the fear and anxiety associated with putting yourself out there. No one in life worth remembering ever became that way by sitting on their ass.

At the end of the day, these are just words on a screen and the result of your journey in life rests solely in your hands. There are a thousand excuses for why things are too hard, too difficult, too scary, and too impossible. But there is one major reason that it is all able to come to fruition. Hard work. With that, even the most cumbersome and intimidating of feats and goals can be conquered. Have goals and set your mind on them and the right amount of preparation will help you reach them. Even if you fall short of your ultimate goals in life, you will still be better off from the dedication, sacrifice, preparation, and perspiration it took to get there. Chase those dreams and live your life, every moment of every day.

Trevor Burns, started competing BJJ at 50. Now #1 in the world at Master’s 5 blue belt in the gi and purple belt No gi

One thought on “%1$s”

  1. I needed to see this today as I find myself at 40 and in the worst shape of my life starting a new journey in the way I choose to live!

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