Cancel Me. After all, it seems to be like the new thing everyone is clamoring for when anything controversial or even a differing of opinions arises. While I vehemently agree that there is no room for hateful, derogatory, inflammatory, crude, racist, sexist, and downright disgusting thoughts, behaviors, comments, and actions, I also believe that not everything needs to be completely cut out from every day life. There is a huge difference between hate speech, and speech that you hate and it seems that lately we are blurring the lines between the two until everything becomes one jumbled mess of offensiveness. Censorship becomes dangerous when we pick and choose what we censor. Rather than becoming an educational learning opportunity, we just erase things from existence in their entirety, and that becomes a risky gamble for future generations.

I am sure there are some people who will read the title of this blog and vilify me from the get go. I am also positive there are others who will read this article in its entirety and still want to come at me with their pitchforks ablaze. I am not trying to be divisive and draw lines in the sand one way or another, but the beauty of having freedom of speech is that I can continue to write this op-ed (meaning it is indeed, my opinion) and others can choose to read it or not and agree or disagree. It does not mean I have to be canceled for a matter of opinion, especially one that causes no harm. We can’t control the way others feel about our viewpoints as long as we have calm and respectful conversations and debates in order to articulate our ideals. Unfortunately, there is growing number of the population who instead of choosing to calmly disagree, want to scream ‘offensive’ at the top of their lungs. Not everything you disagree with is offensive, and what may rub you the wrong way may slide off the shoulders of others. Speaking for the majority of any particular population is a dangerous slippery slope, and we do not need the woke warriors to save us all.

Facts, not feelings. The minute we let our emotions take control over our rationale, is the very second we begin to lose our grip on reality. While it may be hard to remain objective, we must continue to try to not let emotions dictate behavior. I choose the ways in which I let others words effect me, and I’d rather not beleaguer myself to becoming a slave to online debates or excessive drivel put forth by the media. It must be inherently exhausting to have to insert yourself into the comments section of every online discussion you find discord with and I simply do not have the time nor the energy to entertain those thoughts. All these arguments end up doing is stressing me out with nothing changing anyway, so what’s the point? Stand up for what is right, sure, but don’t beat a dead horse or continue to scream until you are blue in the face over trivial matters. I’ve seen too many friendships destroyed and mutual respect lost over the past year and frankly, your girl is sick and tired of it all.

So if we are going to cancel anything, I’d prefer it to be the downright hostility and aggression running rampant through society today. So much judgment over basic and simple choices rather than keeping the lines of communication open and conversing in an articulate and healthy manner. We can still have disagreements and be good people at heart, and it is always smart to be weary of those with ulterior motives. Present the person that you are so that your inside values are reflected on the outside as well and stop getting so bent out of shape over the newest thing hyped about all around you. If we allow the hatred to continue to penetrate us, we will be consumed by the darkness wholly until there are mere remnants of humanity left. I strive and promise to always do my best, make a difference in the world and those around me, and try as hard as I can do always do the right thing no matter how difficult it may be. I will never be perfect, but being a good person is something I can aim for every single day I live and breathe and I won’t ever stop trying.

Here, enjoy this photo of my burly life partner rescuing some baby bunnies he will nurse back to health in the hopes that something brings a smile to your face today

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