Don’t be the person out here wearing Milk Bone shorts in a dog eat dog world where you were lied to about someone’s bark being worse than their bite. People are encircling you and licking their lips at the chance to eat you alive and you’re galavanting about in Lady Gaga’s meat suit looking like a snack, entree, and 5 star buffet all in one. In the rampant times of cancel culture, no one is out here rooting for the underdog anymore. Instead, we got people clamoring to salivate over the perceived downfall of others, ready to sink their teeth into the fistful of your failures. We went from a society eager to cheer for the surprise successes of strangers to one that celebrates the downfall of our peers. Are we so bitter as a collective group that it really brings us joy to watch others fail? In fact, I could probably rattle off a few names at the top of my head who will buy the PPV to my televised fights simply just to cheer for my demise. At the end of the day, it’s money in my pocket regardless so if it makes someone to feel better to drunkenly cheer for me to get brutalized, at the end of the day, they’re fattening up my pockets so who really gives a fuck. I’ll take your negative slander straight to the bank, thank you very much.

With all the current happenings in the world, it seems a large majority of the masses have become hardened, pessimistic, naysayers intent on vilifying anyone and everything and quick to point fingers towards disaster and chaos. It’s easy to always spot what’s wrong with the world when that is all you’re focused on. You’ve heard of looking at the world through rose colored glasses, it seems like everyone these days is looking at the world through shit-stained ones instead. I refuse to be the one constantly pointing out what is wrong with the world and identifying every bad thing in existence. We can extrapolate negative things day in and day out but if we refuse to open our eyes to the brightness in the world then we are only blinding ourselves in the long run. Stevie Wonder is sick of our shit. I’m trying to embrace all the good things we can take for granted on a daily basis and it’s helped me gain a greater appreciation for the situations around me and the people I surround myself with. Often times, we become product of our environments, so it’s up to us to intertwine ourselves in an environment worth adapting to, such as one full of great people who are ambitious, driven, and loyal.

Out here, it’s eat or get ate and a lot of y’all right now looking like breakfast. We talking a large plate of eggs, grits, hash browns, bacon, and toast, with a side of honey butter biscuits and ya girl is hungry. The only tantalizing meat around here needs to radiate from my BDE, so stop offering yourselves up on a platter to be devoured by the salivating crowds. 2020 has been a turbulent and tumultuous year full of unprecedented scenarios and a lot of people are feeling the impact and repercussions of this year. Personally, this has been one of my my best years for growth and potential with the chance to thrive under extenuating circumstances. Pressure either makes diamonds or disintegrates whatever is in its path until it’s pulverized into a powdery and glittery grit of rubble. It’s time to decide whether life’s harsh realities will help mold and shape you or obliterate you instead. I am more than excited at the possible chance to flourish under harsher conditions and prove that I am meant to accomplish great things by putting in the vast amounts of hard work. I am not your breakfast, I am the cutlery ready to dig into my meal.

Darwin talks about survival of the fittest, and his theories on adaptability and evolution is what many people today rely on in order to motivate them to overcome the difficulties in their life. We’ve become spoiled with the advancements in medicine and technology that our survivability factors have skated by on the bare minimum. We are at a point in our society where a virus with an over 99% survivability rate has halted people and life in general in its tracks. Colleges and universities have had to deem certain public areas as safe spaces and there is a “trigger” warning attached to almost every labeled video or online media content. I’m always advocating for empathy and compassion for a fellow individual, but I also strongly believe in accountability for our own health, wellbeing, and happiness. We come from a lineage and history of warriors taking things by force, violence, a cunning and daring nerve. When did it become okay to be complacent with relying on others to fight our battles and help us survive and overcome without having to put in any of the hard work or emotional labour it takes to flourish? Probably the reason why it is so easy to blame others for our failures and unfortunate circumstances rather than take responsibility ourselves. Nothing worth having in life will come easy, but that makes the reward all the much sweeter in the end.

Is the world really a concrete jungle? Or is it more of a human zoo? Lately, I’ve been thinking of it more as the latter where people are really becoming spectacles of themselves and acting like selfish, wild animals. In the jungle, you either spend parts of your life fighting, or a good chunk of it running, and it is up to you to decide. I am sure we would all much rather be the hunter versus the prey, but how many of us are actually capable of not ending up on the worse side of that exchange? Truly, not many are cut out to be so cut throat, but it’s necessary often times for survivability. Human beings are supposed to be the top of the food chain, we need to start acting like it. Mankind was once feared and revered and now we have many of us cowering in the corner, sniveling under the skirts of those who try to protect us. I will always be the type of person who will either find a way or make a way, and if that means putting myself on the line to die on my shield, then so be it. The fight life is not meant for everyone, even though we all must fight in our everyday lives over various things. It is why some will thrive and be successful and others will flounder and drown and be swept up in their failures. We all have the potential to conquer whatever threatens to squander us, but we need to dig deep within ourselves to find that warrior spirit and drive. Crave the battle, not the glory, and in the end, you will be victorious.

Be the hunter. Or the fisherman. Whatever.

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