Adulthood, responsibilities, work, bills, families, etc., you name it, it’s all there piling up and waiting to be addressed. As a kid, you look at all the adults around you, teachers, parents, friend’s parents and so on, and you assume they know what they are doing and are functionally navigating through life. Man, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The older I get and the more life that I experience, the more I am utterly shocked at the behaviors of some of my peers. You’re in your 40s Janet, there is absolutely zero reason for you not having your shit together. I understand hardships happen, because they do for everyone, but at what point do we start taking responsibility for our lives and working hard to make our futures a success? It is entirely too easy to do nothing and sit back and complain about how difficult we have it in life. It is much harder to pick ourself up by the bootstraps and pour literal blood, sweat, and tears to ensure that we persevere. Perhaps some are too content with relying on others to get by, but that will never be me. I’m screaming Independence like Randy Quaid about to sacrifice his plane into a bunch of aliens to save planet Earth. Up yours.

Perhaps I’m a little excessive with my Type A personality because I make lists and schedules for everything, but it really helps me stay organized and culpable for my own actions. I have noticed that a majority of those struggling to be successful in life never began with a set plan or goals in mind. A lot of people never had a parent or mentor to help guide them in the right direction or provide an exemplary personification of the means in which to reach levels of achievement. I’m hoping that by busting my ass as much as I do, it can maybe spark some enthusiasm for others to begin the hard work necessary to accomplish exorbitant tasks. I’m sure at the time, it’s very nice to live the carefree lifestyle without a worry in the world, but if you are always focused on the now, you will fall flat in your future. Failing to prepare is ultimately preparing to fail, and while it is always easier to sit back and do nothing, the misery that will await you should be enough of a deterrent to want to work a little bit harder now so that you can relish the rewards in years to come.

Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than downright dislike and apathy is the glove in to which evil slips its hands. Bad things accrue when idle bodies are at play. There is a disease running rampant and permeating our society today which promotes laziness and mediocrity. People too often want to piss and moan instead of taking the necessary required steps needed to improve their lives and situations. Yes, it’s hard, but anything worth having is worth working for. It’s a shame that schools today will place such an emphasis on quadratic equations and polynomials and fail to teach their students about taxes or escrow. Most will graduate knowing that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell but have no idea what a 401k is or its benefits. Not too mention that different paths are for everyone and perhaps the collegiate route is not what is best. But then there are trade schools or military or a plethora of other options where work always needs to get done. Relying on anyone besides yourself to take care of you, make you happy, or provide for you is the ultimate recipe for chaos. All of this responsibility and security needs to originate from within.

Yes, some people are born into circumstances that allow them greater opportunities and more chances to succeed than others, but this doesn’t mean that it can’t be done. I was always a small girl with big dreams who believed that anything was possible enough as long as I believed. I will always be the one who competes as often as I can regardless of if anyone close to my size and skill is registered in my division but I will dig deep for some courage and try and pioneer the way. Excuses are like buttholes, everyone has got one and they all stink. But I’m out here trying to spew anything but regular and ordinary shit. Making this excrement more like fertilizer to grow something beautiful. See? Everything in life has a purpose. So now go out there and find yours. And if me comparing you to a pile of poo didn’t inspire you to buck the fuck up and do something great, than I don’t know what to tell you. That was some Grade A motivation fam. I’ve got a way with words that even a Shakespearan soliloquy would pale in comparison to. Waiting on my publishing deal any day now.

Long story short, it’s time to get after it. Start working hard now and setting your future up for success. Are you really going to be complacent in 10, 20, 30 years from now? If your happiness, income, lifestyle, love, or situation originates from anyone other than yourself, I can promise you the answer to that aforementioned question is a solid resounding no. I can’t fathom lying on my deathbed full of regrets of all the things I never had the courage, tenacity, or work ethic to go and accomplish. Quit being a slave to your apathy and dig deep to get over whatever hurdle and blockade is preventing you from putting forth more effort. Oh boo hoo, it’s hard. Well guess what? Life is the most difficult thing we all do and humans have been getting after it for hundred of thousands of years regardless. Life is short and precious and every single one of us should be doing the best we can to try and make the most of it. There’s no shame in seeking some guidance or assistance and help along the way, but ultimately, we are the ones that need to take that first initial step. Sometimes we need to prepare so fully and trust ourselves so much that we leap before we look. And should we fail, at least we tried. People will always regret the things they never said and did versus those that they did do. Don’t be another statistic. Do something with your life now or wallow in misery for the years to come. You are only young once, only here for a finite time, and you only live once. Don’t waste it.

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