Life is hard. Find any person and they’ll have a story for what valid reasons make their life difficult. But what if it was apparent to the outside world just exactly why our life was so difficult? What if we had physical adversities that hindered our daily life in ways most could never relate to? This past weekend, I met two gentleman who, if we are being honest, were dealt pretty crappy hands in life. Both are confined to wheelchairs for different reasons (one has Cerebral Palsy, and the other is a paraplegic, paralyzed from the mid-section down.) Yet I have never met two more high-spirited and determined individuals. You couldn’t help but be in an uplifted mood surrounded by them and in awe of everything they do. Maximilliano (Max Ulloa) and Rafael (Rafa Diaz Figueroa) are Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athletes, entrepreneurs, and overall amazing gentlemen. Max began his BJJ journey in 2009. As a blue belt, he suffered a catastrophic fall off a balcony that rendered him partially paralyzed. In a situation where most of us would concede defeat in life, Max leveraged BJJ in a way to help his body and mind heal in an unfathomable capacity. It took him years to achieve the skill level he has reached, and now, on the cusp of earning a brown belt, Max taught a seminar that completely blew me away. He adapted his techniques and leveraged his abilities to form a uniquely successful gameplan. Rafa is fairly new to Jiu Jitsu, but having faced his situation since birth, was told his whole life that he couldn’t do things or that they were impossible. And then to step out of his comfort zone into one of the hardest and most physical sports imaginable is absolutely admirable. You can’t spend a weekend with these guys and simply not be inspired.

Max’s whole philosophy is living life without limitations. If he doesn’t let his situation limit him, why do we find ourselves mentally limiting ourselves? We are constantly bombarded with negative thoughts and overwhelming anxiety that we don’t allow ourselves to take that risk. One thing Max spoke about at his seminar really resonated with me. He mentioned how he put off competing at World’s because he never felt ready; either physically or with his abilities. And then, he got injured. Although he said he had no regrets in life, he did say that this was the one thing that brought him sadness to think about; that he never did World’s as an “able-bodied” individual. However, he has competed at World’s since which anyone who steps on the mats will tell you is an achievement all on its own. So in the words of Nike (and more frantically, Shia Lebeouf) Just do it already. In life we will have greater regrets from the things we didn’t do or didn’t say than the stuff we actually did. Life can change in a split second, and no matter what path we end up on, it is up to us to fulfill our destiny.

I’m angry at myself for allowing such minute things to frustrate me lately. At the same time Max and Rafa stayed at my house, my boyfriend had minor knee surgery. He was on crutches and unable to functionally walk. Therefore, it was up to me to get everything handled. I shepherded everyone around, made multiple grocery store runs, shifted furniture around accordingly, and got really good at collapsing wheelchairs tetris style to fit in my hatchback (except for the one time I put the wrong wheels on each chair.) When I couldn’t get everything I needed at one supermarket and was told to head to another one, I became angry. Then I was almost sick with myself at letting such a negative emotion overpower me over something so trivial when the guests in my house would do almost anything to be able to make a quick grocery run. And here I am complaining about not finding ‘tripe’ (google it). A minor inconvenience honestly caused me to check myself. Let’s be honest, I have it pretty good in life. I have a job I can financially depend upon and an amazing family full of love and support plus my good health. Boo hoo if I’m a little stressed out here and there. That’s what the face masks that make me resemble a near identical replica of Hannibal Lecter are for (and also coconut tequila cough cough.) Every day that I wake up and get to pursue my dream is a blessing. I have a lot going for me, maybe not looks or personality, but plenty of other things I’m sure! Ha. I need to embrace the positives and roll with the punches (literally and figuratively) when it comes to everything else.

I want to wish Max and Rafa the best of luck as they compete in a ParaJitsu tournament this weekend  in New York. I also want to commend their attitudes and thank them for everything they have taught me. Max opened my mind to a whole new approach to BJJ and am thankful for the wisdom he imparted. If I’m being honest, I’m also thankful for the ceviche he made as my inner foodie is jumping for joy at the thought of delectable tapas. In the words of Max, I choose to live my life without limitations. How dare I lament the fact that I still have several days to go until Friday, or that I’m stuck behind a desk instead of at the gym. I refuel my blood with some extra strength espresso brewed coffee and get right back to it. We make time for the things that are important to us. Where we are willing, we are able. Excuses are easy, success is difficult. Our effort determines our aptitude, not vice versa. In the wise words of Albus Dumbledore, “it is our choices that determine who we are far more than our abilities,” and I choose to persevere. (Side note, I can’t believe it has taken me 3 blog posts before I unceremoniously quoted Harry Potter. Dream, believe, achieve. With the right attitude and a bit of nerve, the possibilities without limitations are endless.


2 Replies to “Without Limitations”

  1. Awesome! Well written, yet again. Wish I was able to be there to meet these guys. Keep pushing girl, you’re a champ and we are gonna show the world that very soon!

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